Thursday, November 18, 2010


so on this whole blogger thing i follow a good number of author's blogs. and one of those authors is Julie Halpern. I looked her up after I read Into The Wild Nerd Yonder which is such an amazing book. and she also wrote Get Well Soon which is also very good. i believe i have mentioned her at least once, maybe twice or so. but anyways. she has a lot of giveways, like "comment on this post and i'll pick a winner and i'll send them this". so i almost always do them and i have never won.

on Monday November 15, 2010 she posted on her blog for someone to win the ARC of her new novel Don't Stop Now. and I had to look up ARC, but it is advanced reading copy. so that means this book isn't out yet but she is giving it away! let me see when it officially comes out. IT COMES OUT ON MAY 10th. anyways. she posted this contest. all you had to do was "today through Thursday, comment on this blog post and tell me about a secret place you would run away to if given the chance." so i opened up this page to comment and a few other people had commented already, or had their comments approved. anyways i couldn't think of a place. so left it up and did other stuff. and i almost forgot about it. and when i remembered i didn't know what to write and i figured that i wasn't going to be picked anyways so i almost just X-ed out and been done with it. but i didn't. i wrote: "London where no one knows my name. Because I already live too close to Boston and that's where everyone goes." i hope you got the reference to that song. anyways. so Julie posted two other posts until she posted the results. before i went to dodgeball i went to check my blog posts and i saw that Julie had posted a post with the title "Results" so I was like, oh that must be the results for the contest. but i didn't click on it, instead i went down to see the other new posts but then my ride was here so i had to leave. and i just got home. and i checked. and I WON. this is what she posted (in addition to other stuff):

"On to the winner of the Don't Stop Now ARC giveaway contest! Thank you to all who entered! I hope not winning won't prevent you from wanting to read the book someday (out May 10th!). The winner is...

Molly! Who said she would run away to "London where no one knows my name. Because I already live too close to Boston and that's where everyone goes." Please send me an email, Molly, at with your address!"

But I emailed her and i am going to be getting what must be an amazing book 6 months before everyone else. i'm so cool.

i guess i could talk about the dodgeball tournament and how next year Abby and I could make a team called "I Hate Dodgeball" and when they ask if we are reading we say "No" and we act like we hate it...cause well we do. but the trick is we will have spent days training to get ready so we will be victorious and win. i'm not sure if it is worth being seriously injured though because it is intense. well if you are playing, otherwise it's boring.

now i need to go finish up in the computer world and go to bed. because tomorrow i have a bullying seminar for two periods and then i have a pep rally last period. Maeve had those two things today since she is in middle school. she said at first they watched part of a show called "Do You Really Know Me?" or something like that. which i hadn't heard about until someone in our class created a group on facebook and everyone (meaning like five people) were talking about how we need to be a class and get along together and all be friends and how we should do something like in that tv show. then i looked up it and i started to watch one episode but the cliques were just way too obvious for me to continue. it might have gotten better but at the beginning it was just like "you have your jocks, your strange people, your..." and i don't like that. i don't feel like they are that obvious, or maybe they which is why i don't like seeing that. anyways they watched that. and then they asked if anyone had any stories to tell and apparently a bunch of kids started telling about their life. and by the end of it everyone was crying. apparently Sam Hanson told his story and he has some sort of illness, and i don't know because this is the first i had heard of Sam's life being anything less than perfect. but no one's life is perfect, we just try our hardest to make it look perfect. and Shelby Benoit told them about how her parents left her when she was young and she was crying. i don't know if those two were planning on sharing their stories or if they just did because. apparently Angi saw this and she was telling us in science and Sarah Whitley was saying how that was stupid and all. i don't think it is stupid. and i hope that happens to us. i have said so many times about how i want to know everyone's true story that people don't talk about because you know it is there.

if i was going to share, which i won't, what would i say? i have nothing to say. because i am so extremely lucky. anything i said would be nothing compared to some of the horror stories my classmates' lives probably are. but i don't know that for sure because i don't know their life yet. the worst that has happened to me was being ditched by my friends in elementary school and having none. and being left out countless times. but right away i can think of someone who can top that. Devin McNulty. she went to elementary school with us and she was the one everyone picked on. i can't remember for certain what i did, i don't think i myself picked on her but i don't think i did anything either. but i do remember either the summer before sixth grade or the summer after sixth grade i invited her to go swimming with me and we went and had fun. and now Devin seems to be one of the most confident people in our grade. of course that is what it seems, she is probably really insecure inside.

i am so extremely lucky. i'm not really insecure. i'm not super confident but i think that is better than being so confident outside but really insecure inside. or you could say that i am just insecure all the way around. but i don't think i really am that much. anyways this is all pre bullying talk. this is only after what Maeve told me. so tomorrow i get to listen about bullying which will make me feel horrible, go to lunch, go to the rest of my classes, and then go to a pep rally.
