Monday, November 8, 2010

i just need to say this.

i am supposed to be asleep right now but i'm back!

i just want to make this clear in case for some strange reason this blog is read by a lot of people.

these people that i'm mentioning, they aren't just random names and some prop that i use in my life. they have their own lives. they have their own worries. they have their own thoughts. they have their own days and families and everything. that doesn't have anything to do with me.

i'm not sure how to explain that better. but i'll say it again. they are real people with their own lives.

i can mention Adam's name but that doesn't mean he only appears when i mention his name. he is out living his life right now. he has homework to do. he has to deal with Mrs. Schott's algebra class. he has to deal with having his sister go to college so now he is on the only child in the house for the first time. he has to deal with his friends and school. that doesn't have anything to do with me. i don't know if i cross his mind or if i'm a worrry of his. i'm probably not. which is fine. perfectly fine. but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a life. he is a person just like you and me.

and that applies to everyone. not just the guys. when i mention a name like Janelle. i only mentioned her because she said something of interest to me. but her life doesn't stop there.

these are real people. they have lives. what you see on the surface isn't even half the story. and what you see in this blog isn't even a quarter of the story.

don't judge people based on what i say. and don't judge me based on what i say. okay, you can probably judge me based on this but don't think this is the whole story.

everyone is so much more than what they seem. even if you think you know a person really well, you don't know everything.

but i really just wanted to get that point across because i think it is important.

oh thought of a better comparison. in a story that an author writes that is completely fictional. they need someone to cough so the teacher doesn't hear the main character's phone go off. they might mention a name of who coughs but then they don't appear for the rest of the book. and you forget about this character. that happens in fictional stories. this isn't fictional. this is my life. every person is real. they have their own lives. they keep going forward. they are people.

i think i covered that one enough. do you think? do you get what i'm saying?

moral of the story: don't read a name in my blog and forget about them. think about their lives. think about their struggles and what they have to deal with each day. think about who they are as a person. think about their personality. wonder what their favorite color is. think about how they get along with their parents. think about what they would say if you talked to think. think of them as people and not as names.

that's the real moral: think of them as people and not as names. because we are more than a name. you are more than a name. and i am more than a name.

i am more than a name.
Molly Ronan is just my name, it isn't who i am.