Thursday, November 11, 2010

I think overall it was a success.

So yeah last night/this morning was the all-night skate.
I'm going to evaluate it by making a list of things that could have made it go wrong and seeing if those happened. If it happened there will be a big X instead of a blank line.
___ Someone got really hurt
___ Someone completely embarrassed him or herself
___ A whole bunch of drama happened
___ People cried
___ It was pointless
___ It wasn't fun
___ It just sucked

So none of that happened so I say it was a success.

My favorite part? I have two actually. One was laser tag. Not because our team won. I think our score was actually 4 to 54 and my team had the four. I don't really care though that no one I was playing with knew how to aim or actually play. I just had fun running around like crazy shooting people. I don't think I actually got anyone but it was a whole lot of fun. I was exhausted afterwards because I kept running around even if I was already shot. I would attack people who were hiding behind the barrier and you know it was just a lot of fun. Second was just sitting at the table with Abby and Josh. I was overtired so I was completely out of it and I probably didn't make much sense or contribute in a good way to the conversation but it was nice. Because you don't get to do that in school. You can just sit down and talk because you always feel like you have something else you should be doing, or you actually do. Or you never get the chance because you don't have class with them or whatever. At the same time that was nice though it was kind of awkward. Josh and I didn't look at each other when we were speaking to each other which Abby called us out on. But at least we were talking to each other jeez. (:

So I guess now I have to talk about my nonexistent relationship status? Well I guess technically it exists, it just hasn't changed my whole life. Hahaha. Good thing I can laugh at that now because when I'm 40 and never been kissed I won't be laughing. Actually when I'm 40 I am going to have a husband and children thank you very much. But anyways. I'm not sure that much changed. But I need to say more than that because I know you are wondering more Abby because I wouldn't say anything at the all night skate. Yes I am glad that Josh sat next to me and all but you missed that whole exchange. Mike was the one who told Josh to sit there. I moved over and all and I think Mike was going to sit on the opposite side and Josh started sitting at a different table and Mike told him to sit there. And then he sat there for the rest of the night whether I was sitting next to him or not. I think Josh is really nice. End of sentence, I'm not adding a "but" to that last sentence. I'm not dying to go out with him either. Because it is still really awkward. As our table decided to have to know someone before you can date them.

Yeah why the heck was the majority of the subject matter about Mike's love life? This is an allnight skate, meaning it is too late to be thinking about deep and sad and troubling subject matters. So that is why I stayed quiet during most of that. That and I have no experience to contribute. I could have contributed my opinions but my opinions were mostly already said by Abby and Josh. So I just ate my skittles and tried to stay awake. Cool.

At the end of the night I would have sat with you guys again but I didn't want to leave Katelyn. All of her other friends had fallen asleep and if I had left her at that table my herself she never would have forgiven me. And I don't think she would have appreciated it if I told her to slid into a booth with two other people. But I found it funny when I was sitting with Katelyn at the next table over I heard Mike say "Who was that girl that was sitting with us before?" Hahahaha. Mike was telling all about his love life with me sitting right there and he didn't even know my name. He filled up my water bottle for me and he didn't even know my name. That made me actually laugh out loud. But then I heard Josh say "Molly" so now Mike knows. And then Abby brought up the whole thing there Josh and I don't look at each other and I started talking to her but I didn't turn around. Then I heard Josh say "Hi Molly" and I said "Hi Josh" without turning around thinking that we were making the point to Abby that you can talk to someone without looking at them. But now I was thinking maybe he turned around to make the point that we could talk to each other looking at each other but I do not know.

It was nice though overall. I am glad that I know how to skate because I saw some people struggling with that. Like Jonny Forance who is good at EVERYTHING. And Lauren Larison is just amazing at skating. And Dimitri looks cute when he is sleeping on one of the benches.

And I am proud of myself that I stayed awake all night. And then around 4ish in the morning Katelyn and I were walking around the rink because all of her friends had fallen asleep and we still had that problem that we all didn't fit at one table. Anyways. So we were walking around and I was dancing and all the half-sleep people saw me rocking out yo. I am sure I looked completely ridiculous but hey that's fine. I didn't feel like falling asleep at all so I just jammed out. I think only Dan, Justin, Katelyn, Abby, Colin, Josh, Mike, and me didn't fall asleep or try to fall asleep. There could have been other people who were just sitting there for the majority of the time and didn't go to sleep or try to. But who knows.

But hey now I know I can stay up for 24 hours. Then sleep for 9. Yeah I slept until 3. But Katelyn slept until 5 and now she may not be going to school tomorrow. That's okay.

You know how I said I didn't want Katelyn to go? Well now I am glad she did because I had someone to skate around with and walk around with. That why I had two people. I could either go with Abby but when Abby was with other people then I went with Katelyn. The only time I wished she wasn't there or would fall asleep was at the end when I wanted to sit at the other table but didn't want to leave her. But the goodness of her being there outweighs the badness or whatever.

I think I have covered everything. Just kidding. I guess I should mention Adam. Poor Adam didn't know how to skate which sort of ruins part of the night. I felt bad for everyone who didn't know how to skate because then what are you supposed to do all night? But even more awkward than talking to Josh would have been talking to Adam since I haven't talked to him in so long. Hey I guess I could consider him a "summer love" because I only really talked to him during the summer and then school started and I didn't. But you have to used that term very broadly because when I say "talked to him" I mean I had about two good conversations and that's it.

But I think we should do that again. Go skating and play laser tag. Or go see a movie and then go play laser tag. Some day when no one is at the mall. And when I say "we" I guess who that include could be debatable but mainly I mean me, Abby, Colin, and Josh, to come right out and say it. But if we want to include Katelyn or Mollie or Nicole or Mike or other people that's cool with me too because otherwise it might end up being awkward and we wouldn't have enough people to play laser tag.

Now I'm hungry. I had some pizza around 3:30 and now its 5:36. That's around dinner time right? I don't know what the rest of my family is eating for dinner cause they are painting pottery currently and will probably get home between 7 and 8 if I had to guess. They are meticulous painters.

And why the heck is it dark out? It's not even 6 and it is pitch black out.

So let me wrap this up by saying that right now I should be writing a letter for a soldier or reading history and I am glad I went to all-night skate. If nothing else I had fun. If more than that I was able to get to know Josh more. If more than that it was freaking awesome.

Abby I hope you are having fun working. I think we shall talk about this at lunch tomorrow, yes?