Thursday, July 22, 2010

today was a fairytale.

i'm listening to that song on purpose by taylor swift.. because today was a fairytale. or at least it was very good. a very good day. i'm smiling thinking about it. seriously. thanks God. thanks a whole lot.

it started off good when i was helping the campers get ready to ride and I saw Emily's car pull in. i heard her park and i heard one door open and close. i thought "damn it" when i didn't hear another one. then i heard another one. and i smiled. and then i saw Emily and Adam walk into the barn. score! Emily came down a little later to talk to Carolyn and i overheard that Adam was painting fences. that was also very good because that meant that he wouldn't be following his sister around moving from stall to stall. another smile. and it just keeps getting better. normally i would have to stay in the ring while the kids rode but they went on a trail ride. Carolyn was going to make me and Erin walk around but i said that we could clean paddocks. (Maeve got to go on the trail ride) so Carolyn said "sure you can clean the paddock Pride normally is in, Adam is going to be painting the fence". bigger smile. Erin and I went over there. i had already said hi to Adam earlier when i had to get a fly bonnet and he asked how i was doing and i said good as i walked into the tack room.

anyways as we enter the paddock i say something about what we are doing. i ask Erin if she got her schedule for school and what team she was on. i already knew but i asked anyways. we talked about some of her teachers. then i asked Adam if he got his schedule. and we started talking about that and electives and how the school is stupid for not giving people enough credits for the electives they want. and it was easy to talk to him. i wasn't nervous or worried about saying the right thing. i was completely relaxed and just like you know. so i would talk to him and Erin and i introduced them and i would go dump the wheelbarrow. we talked about cars and driving. he has a truck. and i asked him if he had ridden before in Colorado and he said he did once. i asked him what sports he did, and his answer was soccer, basketball, and football. sometimes his sister would come over and once after she left i asked him if she was telling him how to paint a fence. and he said something affirmative. i thought that was a good line. we talked about Karate Kid, or at least i did.

it doesn't really matter what we talked about it is just the fact that it was so perfect the way the timing worked out. if Carolyn had decided to do the trail ride yesterday i wouldn't have been able to talk to him. and if she hadn't had suggested that i cleaned out that paddock i wouldn't have been able to talk to him for an hour. and it worked out that it was Maeve's turn to ride and i am so glad that Maeve wasn't doing that with me because that you would have that whole sister thing going on. instead i could just be with Erin. and it just worked out that he came and painted fences instead of cleaning stalls. it all worked out just so perfectly. so perfectly. thank you God, thank you, thank you.

and it goodness doesn't end there. you know we talked for a while but we didn't talk constantly. we were fine just working. it wasn't awkward at all. sometimes i would just talk to Erin but i think he was listening. or at least i hope he was. but then i had to go do my counseling duties. so i said bye and that i would probably see him later.

then after the horse and stuff was all put away Carolyn told us to go walk around the side of the barn and wash our hands. normally we just go right through the barn but for some reason today she told us to go around. around the side where Adam was painting fences. so as we passed by i told the children to wave at Adam. and they did put they probably thought i was weird. i think it made him smile though and it showed that i wasn't afraid to say hi or talk to him while other people were around.

and then we ate lunch and when we came back he was still there painting fences, now Emily was helping. and i had to run get my riding pants on when they started to load hay and i almost got ran over by Emily in her truck. Adam was walking next to the car and i said something about getting run over that i think made him smile. i'm not sure. but i had to run by and run back to get down to get the horses again. and then when we were coming up the hill he and Emily were just leaving. we are at the top of the hill and he turned around in the car and waved at us, probably mostly me since i was the only one who waved back. but he was the one who waved first. he could have just sat in the car and drove away without even looking at us (cough, me) but he didn't. he turned around, completely turned his head 180 degrees (and his shoulder and such too), and waved. that made me smile a lot too.

and you know if we do become good friends it's not going to be awkward with my family completely because my mom sees him around and she knew that we were working in the same paddock because she came over to give me a wheelbarrow and tell me what i needed to do before she left. and Maeve found out because Erin mentioned something at lunch and i said we were being conversationalists. i like that word. a conversationalist. i think my dad knows too, my mom probably told him, because he asked in the car if I went to Fuller's today and how was it. normally he doesn't ask. i just said good. if he wanted to know about Adam he would of had to come straight out and ask me.

the thing that makes this even better, (i know is it possible?) is that i am not completely like OH MY GOD crush like. i am not freaking out. i am just happy. i haven't been on his facebook page today and i've been home for almost an hour now. and i actually haven't been on his facebook page since i wrote on it last week asking him how his job was going. i'm not going to write on it either until he writes on mine. he definitely can now that i wrote on his. it's fair game. maybe eventually i'll ask for his number or he will ask for mine. i know he has a cellphone because he texted his sister while he was there. i know it was his sister because she came over shortly after and he said "you could have just texted me back". that is something i would do, text my sister who is in the other part of the barn. i have done it before actually. maybe i can ask him what kind of phone he has and lead off from that next time. but yeah i'm not freaking out. i don't have my heart beating madly in my chest and i'm not worried about next time. because you know there is going to be a next time. he is going to be working there almost everyday once school starts. sure it will be different then because it will be school but i'll still be going to the barn after school and i'm sure that is when he will come work. but next Thursday it will just be luck if i am there the same time he is. Emily normally comes early but i don't like coming early but i might have to if my mother has to go to work. she would drop me off then go into the office. anyways.

i don't think there is much more to say about that other than i'm smiling and i've had that song on repeat.

after camp i went to the beach with Dana and that was nice. we just relaxed. it wasn't really a beach it was just a river and a little sand but i had to pay 5 dollars to get in. it was mostly just little kids and their parents. no hot guys. so sad. we talked and we quiet but then sometimes i felt like i had to try to fill the silence. but it was still nice. and i'm glad that Dana wasn't at the barn today. that way i could just talk to Adam without worrying about Dana. but i did mention her and her car.

but today was a fairytale. i am very happy. i think as soon as i see Adam is online i am going to post the status that says "is happy. She had a good day." and see if he gets the hint that it is mostly because of him. now that my playcount of Today Was a Fairytale by Taylor Swift is at 8, i think it is time i go back on shuffle.

OH. i forgot to put my ring and bracelet on today which was weird and i didn't notice until like 5 when i was at the beach. normally i wear them everyday. which is weird. i'm trying not to think about it too much like "today was a good day because i didn't wear my jewelry". i wore my glasses though. i sort of need those to see.

edit: i like the quote of the day.
"Grace was in all her steps, heaven in her eye,
In every gesture dignity and love." – John Milton (1608-1674)