Saturday, July 24, 2010

just another day.

and the days move on.

it's hard passing by the pasture where Donder used to go out. but i haven't cried. my mom has cried. Jane has completely bawled. I haven't. does that make me hard, cold? i don't think so. i have cried over death before. but i don't want to talk about that.

bella came back from Florida, i gave her a hug, but there was a bit of awkwardness. she just got back today. i think she was tired and kind of getting used to being back. she didn't have much downtime. she was all over Easthampton and she went to a movie.

apparently Adam cleaned stalls this morning. his name was on the stall list and Dana made me guess who cleaned stall today, and i of course guessed him. Dana didn't see him because she came later after he was done. but it was his name on the list, not Emily's. he probably went over there when i was still in my P.J.s. i had a lazy day. maybe later this week i'll be up there early or i'll just have to wait to see him more when school starts because i doubt he is going to be going up there before school. where does he live actually? let me check facebook. it doesn't say but i am pretty sure it is Southampton because one of his posts says: "Pillaging the town of Southampton with a bunch of friends." So it's not like he can roll out of bed and clean some stalls then head off to school unless he feels like waking up at 3 in the morning everyday. That's out, so after school yeahhh!

Today I rearranged my bedroom. My mother suggested it and Maeve was like "yeahhhh!" but then I ended up doing most of it by myself, my mom just helped me move some of my furniture. I'm not sure how i like it, it will take some getting use to but it's a change.

now i should go to bed but i'll probably stay on the computer for a while longer.