Friday, July 23, 2010

from one extreme to the other.

i wrote this last night: "because that is like admitting that this day is over and that tomorrow isn't going to be nearly as good. but that doesn't really matter. it doesn't matter what tomorrow is going to be like because today was so good."

yeah today was a bad day. very bad. Donder died. Donder is, now was, an amazing school horse. i had lessons on him. i helped get him ready for the campers all week. and now he is just gone. it was so sudden. he was perfect yesterday when we left him. today i went down to the pasture to bring him up and i couldn't find him but then i did behind some bushes down at the bottom. he was just standing there. as i got closer i saw he had huge scratches on the two sides of his face, like there just wasn't any hair there. he was sweaty and shivering. i put his halter on and tried to move him but he wouldn't move. then Carolyn came down and tried to make him move but he wouldn't go and she was really worried. so we called the vet. he was in really bad shape. the vet came and the campers still had their lessons. the girl who rode Donder all week, Annie, rode Mieka, and the girl who rode Mieka rode Murray. Carolyn didn't tell the campers that Donder had to be put down. Donder had coliced, which means his stomach twisted. horses can't throw up so instead they colic.

so today sucked.

but not completely. i had to leave camp for a bit to go watch Maura's show which was a good performance.

and i got my book in the mail. it is an actual book with my name on it. it's legit. the formatting got a little messed up but it's still wonderful.

i brought Donder's bridle up from the tackroom. that was really sad. and i was the first one to find him. it was just sad. it is sad.