Thursday, July 29, 2010

today was another good day.

so today is Thursday.
last night i went to bed past midnight because we went to see Inception and it was a good, but long, movie.
i woke up at 8:12am, and yes that is when my alarm went off.
i helped my mom get my horse ready to ride for her to have a lesson on.
i cleaned two stalls.
i helped my mom get flyboy ready to ride.
Emily arrived to clean stalls and Adam didn't come into the barn.
i was going to cut Pride's mane but i couldn't find the scissors.
i went out to the trailer to see if they were in there.
Adam was weeding over on the far side of barn.
i said "hi Adam" and he didn't hear me or see me because he had his ipod in.
i jumped up and down.
he took his headphone out and I said "hi Adam" and he said "hi".
i went to the trailer and found the scissors.
i walked back by and his headphones were still out so i said "they got you weeding now?" and he said "yep" and i said "lots of fun" and he said "oh yeah".
i cut Pride's mane.
i had nothing to do as my mother was riding flyboy so i told her i was going to clean out the trailer.
i walked by Adam, he had his headphones in and i don't know if he even knew i went by.
i cleaned the trailer quickly because it really wasn't that messy.
i had those butterflies as i tried to figure out something to say to him when i went back by.
he was sitting down and talking a break.
i asked something about music. and he said yeah. and we talked for a bit. i said that i was bored and didn't have anything to do. we talked about driving and i told him my epic fail the other day. he asked me about my book and i said it wasn't good and he said he was sure it was. i told him about inception. we said how we aren't big movie people.
he said "well this isn't going to get done itself" and i said "i won't bother you" and i think he said "see ya" and i waved and left.
i helped my mother untack Flyboy.
i walked around doing stuff.
my mother left to get food from Outlook.
i went down below to find Bella and she was coming up.
so we walked up.
Adam was weeding by the door so i said "Adam have you met Bella?" and introduced them.
Bella and I hung out in the tackroom while we waited for my mother to come back.
Adam and Emily came in and wrote down their hours and said bye.
Bella said that he was looking at me when he said "bye guys" and she got all giggly like.
i just smiled and said she was a silly girl.

so that was the second time i have talked to him. it went fairly well. there were some awkward silence like things because we were both just sort of facing each other talking. we weren't doing anything. at least he talked to me and made conversation. he didn't just say "i need to work" and blow me off. and it wasn't a one sided conversation. it's wasn't perfect but you know it was nice. (: