Thursday, June 24, 2010

okay. so today was kind of weird.

so today was Maura's end of the year pool party so we had about 20 5th, soon 6th, graders in the pool. boys and girls. and my grampa didn't mine. Maeve had her two friends Erika and Franki over and I had Bella and Dana over. we played some beach volleyball over the badminton net we set up in the front yard. the six of us just sort of hung out in the front then would go in the pool for a bit and it was all cool. it was fun. i got some silly bands. seven to be exact. they are sort of addicting.

then when everyone except for one boy from Maura's class were gone, the boys next door were out playing. i think it was Dana who had the idea to invite them to play. i think they threw the ball over there and when one of them came to give it back Dana asked if they wanted to play, because our teams were uneven. ha. they were even enough. but anyways they guy said let me go ask the other guys. we suspected they might not even come back but they did. three of them came over. so i said guys on one side, girls on the other while i sat on the sidelines. they were nice. typical boys. then Ben came over, he is the guy who actually lives in the house. then two more boys walked over, one of them lived in the house. their names were (not sure about spelling) Johnny, DJ, John, David, Peter, Ben, and their little brother Sam. we played some beach volleyball which we ruled at and some badminton, not so much. so we switched up the teams a bit. my team lost, the guys were supposed to do pushups and the girls cartwheels. instead i challenged boys against girls for volleyball and if the boys won they could jump off the diving board. then i looked and grampa had already covered the pool. we played anyways. we won but then there was big controversy so we went back a point. then they won. but the pool was closed so they didn't get their reward. then they had to go eat anyways. so they went to eat then we got some ice cream and came back to swim.

my mom knew that when we came back we were going to open up the pool and invite the boys over to swim, because they did win...sort of. so my mom dropped us off at the pool then went to pick up on chinese. so we started to open up the pool then my grampa came out and was like "you're going back in the pool? you're wearing clothes!" well we had our bathing suits on under our clothes. so he helped us get the cover off the pool then he went inside. then gramma came out and we asked her if the boys next door could come over and use the diving board. she hesitated for a bit then she said sure. so we invited them over. they didn't even make it into the pool when grampa came storming out and yelled at them to "GET OUT!". they ran away pretty quickly. my grampa was upset at him because she had already said yes. but he didn't want them over.

i have no idea why he didn't want them over. he had just had a bunch of kids over early, more than that and there were boys and girls there. was it because they were older boys? what if i wanted to have a pool party with boys and girls and invited them over? was it something that happened between grampa and the neighbors before? but i felt really bad and it was kind of scary. i always knew my grampa was grouchy but i don't remember ever seeing him that bad. i probably should have asked him first but i was scared of him before that even happened. i especially didn't talk to afterwards.

but we didn't talk to the boys again either. once they started chanting "David, David" and I think they wanted us to join but we were playing a game where you couldn't give away your location. like Marco Polo without the Marco Polo. Maeve started chanting a bit. but that was it.

i still feel bad. we tried finding them on facebook. we think we found all of them except for DJ and DJ was the nicest. but Dana and I added the other boys. i'll pretty good at facebook stalking. anyways we left without talking to them. but maybe now that the ice is sort of broken we can talk to them again but i am not sure if i want to with my grampa like that. i am not sure if my grampa even knew they were in his front yard playing with us. and if Dana isn't there i might not have the confidence. Dana was the one who talked to them mostly. but not completely. when we were playing badminton us girls were kind of just quiet most of them time but whenever the guys thought they were leaving us out out they would make sure they hit the birdie to us, or at least DJ did. once Ben and Peter's dad came over like to make sure that it was okay the boys were playing with us. i said, yeah we were the ones who invited them over. and their dad was like "are you sure you guys can go over. did Joe say it is okay?" before they came over to swim so maybe there was something that happened before.

but if you erase the last part when my grampa yelled at all of them it was a good day. a good start to the summer.

except for now. my dog is missing. once before when only my dad was home she ran away but we were in the car on the way home and we saw her in the middle of the road so we got her in the car. now the same thing happened. my dad let her out, went to get the mail, and came back and she was gone. when we were driving home we looked for her but didn't see her. my mom called her and she didn't come. then she went back out in the car to look for her and didn't see her. i'm not sure if my mom or dad is out there now. but that is kind of scary. but i didn't kind of scary than my grampa yelling.

goodness. i guess that is part of it. make new friends but have them get yelled at by your grampa and have your dog go missing. for every good thing there must be a bad thing to balance it out.

so i'm either going to go to bed now or talk to Dana some more online. it's 10:17pm on the first full day of summer. yeah man.

edit: wonderful quote of the day today. i sometimes was at a loss for words with all the boys today. but it wasn't that big of deal. Ben was kind of quiet but in a cute kind of way. sometimes it is better to be quiet than obnoxious. anyways the quote: "Who has words at the right moment?" – Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855)

Well Charlotte, I never do.