Tuesday, June 15, 2010

do you know that feeling when you are very tired but you don't want to go to sleep? yeah that's me right now. i know i should go up and get in the shower and go to sleep but that would be like admitting i still have school tomorrow. i don't want school tomorrow. yes we only have two more days of classes (two!) but i still don't wanna go. and then i have finals but i still have to wake up early for those. i am so so so so so so so so ready for summer. i'm already in summer mood. where is summer? gah. go by quickly last six days of waking up at 6:30am. please. i am done with sophomore year. so so so so so so so done. sos.

i'm tired.
i really wonder if this blog will go anywhere. go places. i really hope it does. then everyone can see how a teenager girl's mind works when she is tired at 8:55pm. do you know that some people my age think that going to bed at ten pm is early and they normally go to bed at midnight? hahahaha. ten pm is late for me and i wouldn't be able to function properly the next day if i went to bed at midnight. i would break down crying in some class or trip someone. seriously. i need my sleep. then why i am still here typing when i should be sleeping. you know that is a good question. and i have one answer for you. i don't wanna. i don't wanna. hahahahahaha. i'm so tired.

i blame school. school is driving me crazy. literally. i am going crazy right now. so sick of this. i only have to go through this one more time, not including this time, then the time after that i'll be a senior and i'll be heading off to college. goodness.

i would like to get my permit first.