Monday, June 21, 2010


what an appropriate 400th post. i am pretty sure once i start eleventh grade i won't have any time for this waster of time. currently it is wasting time that should be used to study for finals. yep. that ain't gonna happen next year.

so APUSH stands for Advanced Placement United States History. a.k.a it is a really hard class about stuff in the past that no one cares about.

so i just read all the letters of advice from kids who took APUSH this year and the year before....i am sick of hearing the words "Time Management". seriously i am pretty sure every single letter said those two words. but i get it.

the letters sort of seemed like they were from some secret club that you had to be invited into. i'm excited to be taking it next year. yes i am excited. i am excited to get that million page book that i have to read and read it. i'm not too excited to answer the questions about the book but i'm going to do it. i'm also excited to start my first IDS. i'm also excited to kick this class's butt before i can kick mine. i am going to try my hardest to do the whole two IDSs a night. i am going to try to stay on top of everything. everyone said that Mrs. Schott's class is killer but i survived with an average higher than 80 on every report card and for quarter three i had a 90 thank you very much. so i'm ready to go.

i am also excited to write my letter for the next year. i am already seeing myself at the finish line. i'm also excited to create the "family" in the class. maybe this class will help with the whole "she doesn't talk" thing. or it will do the opposite. whatever. i'm still excited for the class.

i think the most annoying part of the class will be the complaining. i'm not a complainer. i think complainers should shut their pie hole. such as Katelyn who has already posted as her faceook status: "Already starting to dislike APUSH." Why the heck are you taking the class if you get your summer work and you don't like the class? Why don't you just quit now because i don't want to listen to you complaining all year.

Katelyn's dad did give me a ride to the barn today but i kind of wish she didn't because then i could have walked with Ian but that could have proofed awkward but still. when someone offers you a ride you don't refuse because you would rather walk. doesn't make sense. not when you are carrying a 40 million pound APUSH book.

anyways happy 900th post, first day of summer, and all of that stuff. i only have two days left. stupid 7th period final. Maeve's done after tomorrow. whatever. can i just get on with my two months without school?

now i have to study. i don't want to. so i'm still rambling. ramble. ramble. ramble. wow. i have no life. at least next year i'll have AP to take up the time.