Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i think i am going to try to talk about something important. you know. something other than my passing teenage fantasies. why you ask? because i'm bored and i don't feel like getting up and doing anything but i want to do something. this is something. maybe one day this will actually be important. now where to start. oh. let's give you some instructions.

1. stop. whatever you are doing. stop. except breathing and performing normal bodily functions.
2. breath.
3. think. or stop thinking. think about the bigger picture. not about school. not about him. not about her. think about life. think about your blessings.
4. smile.
5. relax.
6. continue. but slow down. and try not to worry so much. you know. just go with the flow.

that wasn't anything really important. but maybe it is. do you ever just stop and look around and admire how fabulous everything is. seriously.

do all people do that? that meaning worry about the little things. get worked up in the little things. like a guy. i do that often. i could give you a list of all the guys i have spent more time thinking about then was probably worth my time. do you want that list? now i'm trying to decide if i should list them or not. that would require digging into my past. but i wanted to make this post about something important. guys that i have thought about and guys that have caused butterflies in my stomach are not important. but does everyone get caught up in the little things so they forget? like that test you have tomorrow and you so aren't prepared for it. so you freak and you don't get much sleep. but really a year from now that test will be forgotten and that will be that.

this blog was pretty much a waste. i'm going to go into the shower and move on with my life. maybe practice for my history project tomorrow or maybe not. i am done with school. i couldn't care less about the rest of my projects. seriously. spanish project? Keith i don't really care if you do what you are supposed to do. if my grade suffers, oh well. i am done.