Tuesday, June 15, 2010

11th grade. read this. k?

this isn't really about 11th grade because i don't feel like a junior yet. juniors are old. i'm not old.

this is about a resolution i am making for 11th grade. this is if there is someone in the class that a) i think would make a good friend b) is very cute c) would like to know better d) for some reason i just want to talk to...i will talk to them. i will talk to them more than once. i will make an effort to get to know them. not just an effort. a big effort. unless i find out there are a completely jerk/creeper/dud/woahno. because i could give you a list of people this year who i would have liked to have gotten to know but i didn't because i never took the first step and said hi to them. so nothing happened. next year, i'll talk to everyone though and i won't miss out on anyone.

there you go. now i am going to get something to eat and go babysit because this resolution does not effect me until September 3rd 2010. boom.