Saturday, April 2, 2016

hi so developments in Molly's life. I have an essay due tomorrow at midnight that I just started to today. I have finished 2 out of the 5 tags. tonight I have to do an all night dance party. and then tomorrow i'm flying to Atlanta. so my bare minimum goal is that I finish 3 tags today and then finish the other two tomorrow during my flights and at the hotel. cool.

what do I have to do:
- watch the webinar?
- pack
- plan this seminar somewhat
- email people about Scalefunder
- email ADE team about next steps
- write poems
- read play for MD


also so yesterday when I was doing laundry I ran into Hanson and he asked if I was going out and I said I was and he was like "yes!" and that was that. so I went out in hopes of seeing him. (he broke up with his girlfriend if that was unclear). and then I told Ellie this at some point during the night. so she called him and asked if he was coming. what a wing woman. so him and Terrence came. and some how I ended up talking to him a lot. snapshots from the conversation: him on tinder, that I have been on dates from dating apps, that my life is messed up and he will learn about it during the poetry workshop, my face when he read the poem about breaking up with his girlfriend, getting him to add me on snapchat, and then somehow I found out that Terrance played chello and had a recital today so it ended up with us going to their suite so Terrance could play chello for us. so he did and it was really good. and then we were all in the common room for a while and Hanson played his uke. and then Raphael who had followed me and Ellie was throwing up in the bathroom so I had to take him and gave him to another exchange student. and then Ellie and I went upstairs to get ready for bed. I am in my pjs and my glasses and Ellie says that Hanson texted the two of us (my phone is not working) asking if we were in map. Ellie says yes, why? and he says he is bored, so she tells him to come up. so he comes and hangs out with me and Ellie in our common area. and I think we talk about some post-grad stuff and I don't know what else. and then it ends with him letting me know I have the best credit card and then he leaves and I have a miserable night of sleep because I am drunk and sick. and then at some point during the night I make myself throw up because I am so dizzy and can't sleep. and then eventually I get up and then I've spent my whole day in the library trying to write this essay and figuring out what to do with my phone.

and oh I found out Hanson is going to Atlanta on Wednesday when I am coming home so I won't see him until next Sunday. so cool. anyways I don't know what that whole night was. but it was fun and cool. now I am going to look up what I had wrote about Hanson when I was crushing hard core sophomore year. and then back to my essay to try to write one more tag.