Friday, March 25, 2016

so last night I found out Derek is gay. which I found out while I was kind of drunk. and I was giving him a hard time about being jealous that I have guys hitting on me and it turned into him saying I like guys tbh and I said something sarcastic and he was like I assumed you knew and I then I went omg seriously? and he was like, yeah all the signs were there. to which I said well yeah, but you can't assume. he said valid point. so that was very strange. I swear that there was a girl he was going to ask out or went on dates with, so maybe he is bi, but I mean I could have guessed but I didn't know. unless he was just messing with me but I don't think he was because he would have told me right away if he was. but anyways kind of a shock and I don't think I handled it the best since I thought he was kidding at first and I was intoxicated. but then it was fine because I just told him all about my night, which I usually do. I was going to talk to him now and tell him about my Spotify internship but he isn't online. but anyways that's fun.

I had an interview with Spotify today. which I think went well. it was really laid back. but my whole team from the summer is now working on this team, which is why I think I was put up for this position. but I am excited. if I am offered this job, I will most likely take it, unless something else major randomly pops up. but hopefully I get it, it seems promising and like it is a good possibility.

but things with ellie are okay. I have sort of avoided her this week, but last night with her was good. and i'm still going to counseling which is basically just me talking through everything Ellie related. it is good for me to understand what our friendship has been and why I am feeling the way I am now and everything. basically the game plan is to stay friends for the rest of the year, but set boundaries, so she doesn't take too much of me and I have my space and freedom, and then I graduate and yippee.

other things i'm dealing with, ADE stuff is crap but just figuring that all out. hopefully it settles down a bit. but that's cool. i'm going home tomorrow after running some errands for Professor Sokuvitz in the morning. and then i'll be back Sunday night for another SODA.

omg I forgot to even tell you about my night last night. anyways lot of things led up to it being me, Ellie, and three of the exchange students, Antonio, Michela, and Marco in our suite playing never have I ever. so that was interesting. but basically we figured out that Molly hasn't done anything. so Antonio was like okay for the last month we will have you try weed, we will go to a club, and then if you have to do anything sexual you have two willing people. like what. I just sort of was like oookay next person's turn. I also found out that Marco has never had sex with someone he cared about, but he did have a girlfriend in high school. he also has had sex at Babson. and I thought Antonio had a girlfriend but he does not. so now I have to think if he has been hitting on me. because i'm probably closest to him out of all the exchange students and get along with him the most and talk to him the most. but anyways I hope I hang out with them all some more. maybe i'll see the out today although i'm not planning on staying out too late since I have to do the errands tomorrow. but I guess it's good to know that guys, who always want sex, especially those on exchange to us, find me suitable or would be willing....that's flattering right?

I was thinking of asking Marco just the two of us hanging out. but that might be a bad idea since all the exchange students will know. and now that Antonio isn't in a relationship i'm more aware of our friendship. but still it would be cool to go out. I would actually make out with either of them. Marco is more attractive but Antonio is more fun and I get along with him so well. anyways. things Molly thinks about.

I guess those are all the major things happening now. cool cool.