Friday, February 12, 2010

what's up home doggie dogs?

hahahaha. i just wanted to make you laugh. anyways. i just made a major connection between people, actually my mother did and she told me and i was shocked i didn't figure it out earlier. Zoe B. who is a freshman at my hi!school who is also is in improv is sisttters with Talia (did i spell her name right?) who ride with Mount Holyoke IEA Team, she is like master of all IEA stuff there. when we had to help out we always had to go to her. she is so good that she didn't even ride in the horse show. she is an AMAZING rider. and guess what? they look EXACTLY alike. like REALLY REALLY alike. and i can't believe i didn't put two and two together. maybe because they don't go to the same school. with my major sluething skills a.k.a my facebook stalking skills i was able to figure out two things 1) Zoe and Talia are not friends on facebook, i found Zoe's profile first and Talia wasn't a friend of her 2) I went to Tori's facebook, a girl who use to ride on my IEA team and now rides with Mount Holyoke so I know she is friends with Talia and she is my friend on facebook, anyways i went to her profile and i scrolled down and Talia had made a comment on her wall so i clicked on it and under her networks "northampton high school '10" and what do you know i have the answer to my question! but yeah.

abby's amazing and i'm sorry i didn't buy her a carnation. anyways i believe that is all.

no it's not. i'm looking at colleges. i have a big book of colleges and i'm going through it making a list of business colleges or colleges that strike my fancy. it's fun. but it's scary at the same time. it's really scary.

and let's end with two quotes.

first one. we were talking about colleges and my mother said something like this "i can't believe you are looking at colleges. it seems like just yesterday Mrs. Wickman (my preschool teacher) was telling me you need to work on your scissor skills"

second one. after the improv show right after we get into the car. Maeve: "oh my goodness those two girls in front of me were obsessed with Lucas" My mother: "aren't we all?"