Sunday, February 14, 2010

multiple choice question: what describes February 14th the best?

A) Single Awareness Day B) the 14th day in the month of February C) Valentine's Day D) All of the above E) None of the above

don't you always hate it when you have the none of or all of option on multiple choice quizzes? me too. that is why i had to include both of them.

but anyways happy [fill in the blank with your choice] to you.

i'm not sure what to talk about but i'm sure i'll thank of something. i almost always do. how about i talk about how i went to the movies today at 4:10 with my family. guess what movie we saw? Tooth Fairy. it was one of those stupid Disney family comedy type movies. you know what i'm talking about. i'm pretty sure i was the only teenager in the theatre, everyone else was either a parent or a child. woohoo! yay for Valentine's Day! my mother offered to bring Maeve and I to a different movie while Maura and Daddy went to Tooth Fairy but honestly the only other movie i wanted to watch was Valentine's Day, yes it is a movie, but that would just be full of couples or groups of single friends. not families. i kind of wanted to see When in Rome too but that started a lot later and i didn't want to see it with my mother and sister, that is kind of awkward. anyways. i did see one other teenager who i believe was with his family but he disappeared so quickly i couldn't get a good look. his name is Tyler and he goes to my school. we have homeroom together and that's it. i think he is cute but hey i think a lot of guys are cute. he saw me with my family and the next time i looked he was gone. that is a minor detail i guess but now you know.

on Friday i thought i had a pretty awesome outfit. i was proud of myself for wearing it. i wore a typical white shirt with buttons that go down. you know what i'm talking about? it was a typical aeropostale tight white 3 quarter sleeve shirt that looks good with pretty much anything. Anyways now that you have that shirt in your head. i had it buttoned all the way up so you couldn't see the cami i had on underneath. i was wearing gray corduroys that fit just right, maybe a little tight at the waste (is that the correct spelling? like right and write. i don't know it just looks weird) with a pink belt made out of fabric woven together with little fabric flowers. no i actually looks good, not like how you are thinking at all. anyways so what i did was i tucked my shirt into my jeans so you could see my belt. it was a bold move because people my age don't tuck in their shirts. i thought it looked fashionableish and totally runway worthy. haha. no i think it looked cute and sassy. and good. i thought i looked good in it. i got at least one comment maybe two i can't remember on my belt. yeahhhh.

that day i also put on makeup! i didn't think i put on more than i usually did when i wore makeup but i must have put on more mascara because i got twooo comments on my makeup. i don't think i have ever gotten comments on my makeup, probably because i go for the whole subtle look. i just thought i would mention the two comments. and they weren't from random people, they were from Stephanie and my bus/gym buddy Lindsay. Lindsay said it looked good but i wasn't really convinced and Stephanie was just like are you wearing makeup? you never wear makeup. so i don't really know if it looked good.

i think that is all i needed to mention. i know that was on Friday and today is Sunday. oh it's February vacation. yay!