Thursday, February 4, 2010

i miss irish step dancing. i miss practicing over and over again trying to get that step perfect. i miss dancing in front of everyone. i miss being known for my dancing. i miss just being able to throw on some music and being able to dance to it. i miss having that kind of control over my body where i could dance like that. i miss that nerves right before i went on to dance. i miss knowing a dance so much i did it on automatic. i miss the march dances where we would dance for the nursing homes. i miss the classes where by the end i would be sweaty and exhausted.

it may sound stupid but one of the reasons why i stopped was because i couldn't stretch. when we did our stretches at the beginning i just couldn't stretch. i couldn't touch my toes. my doctors says i have naturally tight hamstrings. great. but that was one of the main reasons i stopped. sometimes i miss it. like now. my gramma asked maeve if she was still dancing, and she has stopped. but i do miss it right now. i don't know if i actually "regret" or wish i didn't stop because that would be a lot more on my plate than i probably have time for. so instead of dancing and having a solo dress, i have a horse.