Thursday, February 25, 2010

pain is weakness leaving the body.

i'm in a lot of pain right now. my elbow hurts. my back hurts. my neck hurts. if i don't move it's alright. i fell off my horse yesterday. he was being a jerk and i fell off. i don't feel like explaining it all. but basically i have a big huge bruise on my elbow. it's pretty. purple and such. i'm sort of glad i have something to show for it though. i should talk more about that since it was sort of a traumatic event because it was the first time i fell off him and then after i fell off Taylor, who is my age, got on him and managed to make him behave. but Taylor has also been riding a lot longer than i have. whatever. don't feel like talking about it. mostly because i'm already done and over with it.

i'm done with high school too. like i can't wait for college. i know that is probably a bad thing to say, i should be enjoying high school, yeahhhhh no. i'm sick of all the people, students and teacher. i'm sick of the same old typical schedule. the only class i look forward to is art class because Mr. Smith is my teacher. i don't have any great great teachers this year and i don't have any great great classes. and honestly all i'm doing is getting myself ready for college. i'm taking classes because colleges will like to see them and they will prepare me for them. i'm ready for a new set of teachers, kids, and just something different. i've been in this school for almost four years now. i'm ready. i've been looking at colleges. i want to go to a college fair in a few weekends.

yeah now i have to do homework because no matter how much i don't want to be in high school i am still am and if i want to get into the college i want to then i have to do my homework. yippee.