Thursday, February 11, 2010

and if i could.

hi. just ignore the title of this, that was just some lyrics that came up on shuffle while i was thinking for a title. see how creative i am?

anyways. today was "charting your course" where they tell us about the different classes we can take during high school. just wondering but does it really matter what classes you take in high school minus the AP classes because you could get college credits. but if my schedule goes as planned for next year and the year after i'll be at school senior year for eight periods. most people go for seven but you know i don't mind staying at school until three everyday. i just have to find a teacher who would do that too.

i haven't been writing in here often because i don't really have much to write about. my life as been as normal. i can write about my cute outfit today. i was proud of myself because i wore a headband even though i have lots of AHHcne and stressples. i wore a ponytail Tuesday with one of those Hawaii lei's wrapped around it, i thought i looked cute too.

HAHAHA. let me take a second to laugh at my use of the words "AHHHcne" and "stressples". i think that is really creative of me. today i'm just in a creative mood i guess. well not really because i had thought of them before but still. AHHHcne? Stressples? genius. minus the fact that i have a bunch that won't go away even though i wash my face every morning and night, use acne preventing stuff, use moisturizer. i should try to find some better stuff. but it's just awkward to bring that stuff up with my mother and i never go shopping. so i'm stuck with my little companions. i had two right next to each other last week and i had creative names for them but i forgot them. probably i good thing. i don't think you should name your pimples or AHHHcne or stressples. anyways. enough of that talks because it's kind of gross. it isn't kind of gross, it is.

i want to go shopping with Abby. like full out shopping spree. each of us with a cute purse full of money so we can just go and shop. i am honestly not a shopper. correction. i am not a shopper with my family. my mother doesn't like to go shopping so her attitude rubs off of me and then i get tired of looking at clothes for Maura and such. plus we have to go into certain stores, there is no way we were going to go into Hot Topic even if i thought i saw a cute shirt and don't even mention going into Deb's just to try on dresses. it's pretty much Aeropostale for me and Maeve and Justice for Maura. maybe i don't want to be broadcasting Aeropostale's brand over my chest everyday. i would like something else other than jeans, camis, and low-cut shirts to layer over camis. i have more taste than that. i just don't have the tools to buy clothes. i really need to clear out my clothes and fill it up with nice lovely clothes. i try the best i can with the clothes i have but there is only so much you can do. maybe that is why i like all those magazines, like Seventeen which just came in the mail today and i've already finished reading, because i get to see all those different outfits and how they put stuff together. plus they are full of wonderful information even if i do have to take it with a grain of sand. (haha. love that saying because it doesn't make any sense at all literally).

um. anything else i need to say? oh maybe i should mention how i want Abby to give me a makeup tutorial? maybe because i got eyeshadow earlier this year in three shades: orange, purple, and pink. wooo! there is only so much you can do with that. and then for Christmas i got mascara and eye liner. no instruction manuel. i try my best with it but i find that is hard when all you have is black eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow that you don't know how to use. i could ask my mother but she isn't that type of person. i love her soooooooooooooooo much but not to the point where i could ask her about makeup, she doesn't wear it often anways. plus i have found i look just as wonderful without it, especially since i go for the whole less is more approach.

uh. uh. have you found that people use "uh" sort of as place marker. they are going to say something but they are thinking so they say "uh" or "um" before continuing. i'm sure it is just habit for some people. even i do it, i did it in my writing!

in two weeks i will see if i'm a good pitch writer or not. probably not. but mostly because i need more work.

i'm still writing because i have nothing better to do. it's quarter to eight, homework is done - i barely had any. ahhhh. i don't have anything else to say. LIE. i do. i have a lovely topic i can talk about. Valentine's Day. it is so important it requires me to press enter twice before continuing.

okay. ready to talk about it. i don't really like it. maybe that is stereotypical, the never-had-a-boyfriend girl not liking valentine's day but really in this world everything is becoming a stereotype, you can't be yourself without being accused of being typical or stereotypical or something. but that's another subject. this paragraph is for valentine's day. i don't know. it seems fake like. i don't really have a good reason. i just don't really like it because i don't have any good reason to. it's all about hearts and love and i haven't experienced that beyond the family/friend level. maybe that's why. it just seems like...lost my train of thought. i was distracted by Facebook. maybe i don't really have much to say about Valentine's day. i'm also just not really a holiday person.

OHHHH! I can't believe i forgot to tell you. your not going to believe this. not at all. you are really just not going to believe this. and you're not going to believe that i haven't mentioned this sooner. it is just ridiculous. that and the fact that it has taken me this long to mention it. oh my goodness. your mind is going to be blown away. it's just awesome. amazing. just utterly ubber dupper dicious. you are going to be so impressed and amazed and just be so proud of me. it is just the greatest thing ever. i can't wait to tell you. i can't believe i didn't say this sooner. it took me this long to think of it. i can't believe it. if i wasn't in my own mind i wouldn't believe it. you are going to be THRILLed...i learned the thriller.

I KNOW! ISN'T IT AWESOME? I'm not the best at it but hey at least i know what i am supposed to be doing. sometimes i forget but with Dancing David I do pretty good.

and now i'm really curious. while you were reading that huge paragraph that began with "OHHHH!" what you thought i was going to say. or were you just telling me to hurry up and tell you already. if you were thinking i was going to say something then you should tell me what you were thinking i was going to say, or type, or write, or what you were going to read next. i was debating yelling in caps lock at the end of that "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND" just to freak people out who just look ahead automatically, don't really read ahead but glance down there and then that would be what you saw. but i didn't. i didn't feel like doing that. anyways. i'm rambling. i think it is time to end this blog before it gets too out of hand. like it hasn't already. it's 7:56.

AHHcne! stressples!