Sunday, February 7, 2010

this has been a good weekend.

it has been a wonderful weekend. i spent it with my twin. i am so glad. every time i spend more time with her and her family i become closer to her. i love it. i love spending time with her family too. her father is a goofball but i like him too. it was nice spending time with them so i didn't have to deal with my gramma who i love but who is getting on my nerves and my sisters who are dealing with the same thing i am so it's kind of a stressed let's get this week over with in the house. it was great to get away from it and spend it with my twin. anyways, bottom line i really liked the weekend.

so i just wanted to show you some of what people have to say about the name "Molly" on I'll pick my favorite ones cause there are a lot. you should go and search it yourself.

one, except for the part about my sister: "a very beautiful girl, also thought of as perfect, very athletic, and fun to be around, she is smart, and is loved by many, she has low-self confidence, but doesn't realize that people think very highly of her, she is amazing in every way, and has a bitch for a sister
person 1: that girls lucky shes a molly

person 2: yeah but her sisters a bitch"
two, "a very beautiful girl who guys find really attractive but are scared to ask out. has really cool clothes, and is a very nice person. has alot of animals ,and also has a thing for bad boys. any guy would be lucky enough to have a Molly.
dude1: wow look at that girl
dude2: yeah thats molly
dude1: man, i could never get a girl like her
dude2: her beauty is blinding"
three, "Even if you haven't met molly she's amazing! And when you do it will most likely be the best day in your adolescent life. She's super funny, and super nice! Every Molly loves a good youtube video, so post one on her wall. Don't be shy around Molly, no worries just take your friends phone away and say something random. For instance "I heard you weren't awkward".

It doesn't matter if you haven't met Molly, you'll love her anyways!
Molly is so cool!"
four, "more often than not she's solid as a rock. she has her priorities in order with family coming first. Molly's are hard working and loyal. doesn't see herself as beautiful outside but knows her beauty lies within. she gets along with everyone, and hates biggots, and liars with a passion. Molly has many acquaintances but knows who her true friends are. She would give you her last dime, even if she knew you would never repay the favor. Call her any time of day or night, she will always be there when you need her. Loves to go out for drinks with friends whenever her busy schedule allows.
that girl is a true friend right there, she is a true Molly."

I think that is all I have to say. i only have to get through tonight and tomorrow night and then my parents will be back. then one more weekend until vacation. then a whole bunch of weeks until april break. then a whole bunch of weeks and then i'm not longer a sophomore. woohoo!

and tomorrow's twin day. a day for me and my twin. yay!