Thursday, March 12, 2015

I feel like I owe you an update. I don't know what the last thing I said was so let me see what I need to update you on.

um haven't heard anything about summer yet, I have an interview next week at ole so we will see how that goes. still working at Spotify which is pretty good, just CRM all the time. but it's good.

haven't talked to my dad so nothing there. i'll be going home on Saturday so i'm excited for spring break. just one more midterm tomorrow and then i'll be done. I had a 15 page due on Monday that I started on Thursday plus an 8 minute presentation so I've been pretty done with work since then. but just this last final then i'm free! well I have Spotify on Thursday and babysitting on Friday. and then i'm meeting a dog to dogsit him on Saturday. then i'm done!

my roommate Kristian got engaged! Carl did it in a really cute way and got all these awesome musicians to sing to her. and it was a really nice video. so i'm excited for her! is it bad that i'm just hoping that i'm invited to the wedding and I can go?! it would be so much fun!

and then another friend from Nashville, Jamie, got engaged! she started dating her boyfriend when I was in Nashville and I met him and he's really nice and an awesome guy. but they are so young! she is only 2 years older than me, so 22. and wait how old is Kristian? I think she is 23...okay both of them graduated high school in 2010. to me that is so young! like to imagine getting married in two years is crazy!

I guess that is the main thing. I am awkward and I do things that are like ehh icky but I just have to remember that I am confident in myself and it is not a big deal and I won't remember it and other people probably already forgot. and i can get through it and it will be over. just keep moving onto bigger and better things.

I talked to Derek the other day, well messaged him on facebook, and I really like talking with him. and the majority of our conversation was talking about how we should visit each other. hold on let me just put it here for you to see.

i just want to be on spring break!
Being on spring break is nice I won't lie
i should have skipped this week, joined you for your spring break, and then came back for my spring break
Honestly I don't know why you didn't
umm you didn't event me
I didn't know an invite was necessary
okay i'll just show up one day
Sounds good!
Can't wait!
exclamation points, does not sound good, you can wait
haha just interpreting your sarcasm
I wasn't being sarcastic though...
awww thanks then! my goal is to be on a tour this year so hopefully that will stop near you...or who knows, maybe i'll just do my own roadtrip
That'd be one hell of a road trip haha
i guess i could fly, but that's also a process within itself
Well you better figure it out
if i started driving now i would make it there at 1pm on Wednesday, or 11am your time.
or hey you could come visit me!
I don't have that though
well neither do i!
but if you came and visited me you could see Roxy and Nasser too!
Someday molly
kristen is coming to visit me next week!
Ooh that'll be fun I'm sure haha
I wish I could visit
someday we shall see each other again, i'm not worried!
i'm actually doing work now
Hahah congrats!
it's not fun, i just want to sleep
I'm about to have dinner now haha
weird time zones
Amen sista
okay now i finally get to prepare for sleep!
Okay! Time for me to start drinking!
because i'm going to sleep?!
Hahah no this was my plan for tonight
But I'm going to say yes because it's much more charming
Hahaha, I was going to say you could have started drinking while talking to me, it could have been more fun! But now I sleep, enjoy your night!
Haha I will. Night!

also which you can't see here, after I said "yeaaah!" there was a half an hour where neither of us said anything and I was happy to just leave the convo there, but then he said a while later "i wish I could visit" I don't know if I am reading into things...but I wish I just knew if he liked me or was interested in me or not! it's not like anything would happen since we live so far away but I am curious and want to know! am I? maybe...I wasn't when I first met him but as I've gotten to know him he is a great guy and I like talking with him and hanging out with him...if we lived near each other maybe we would go on a few dates...i'm guessing that we would end up just being really good friends. wish he was closer. he is just down to earth and real and I don't know, I never would have guessed we would be friends but he is literally the only person that I have conversations with via text - I don't even with Kristen (that's because I just Skype her instead) but anyways. there's that.

Michele I have seen a bit more recently but I think he is getting the hint / i'm being kind of mean. like in trim he asked if he could sit with us and I was like "if you have nowhere else to yeah" and he said something like he wanted to...but he ended up sitting elsewhere partly because I told him where we were sitting but then I went to get food so I don't think he knew. then I saw him in the library today and he asked what I was doing and I said waiting for some people to go get lunch and he said "like me?" and I just said "No..." and then he was like "so cold" and then some other things we said and I think I said "see ya" and then I thought I heard him say as I walked away "see ya later...if you want to" but I ignored that and kept walking.

ummm I think that is all for tonight. I should really sleep because as much as my brain isn't on the same page and i'm already thinking spring break, I have to wake up early tomorrow and take a midterm. woot woot.

I just reread my convo with Derek and i'm definitely reading into it, I think he is just being nice.

anyways sleep molly. Amelie isn't here cause she had a late meeting for a big presentation and that's why i'm still awake or else I would have went to sleep earlier. i'm lost without her!