Monday, March 16, 2015

I feel like I have a lot to talk about not sure if I feel like talking about all of it. let me write a list.

- Maeve & college
- basketball
- there was something else that I have been thinking about whatever

Maeve got into Wheaton College! YAYAY! i'm so excited for her because college is awesome. I just hope she has an amazing experience. it's crazy to think that I am already almost done with three years and only have one left. it seems like I was just starting...

um okay so babson is in the final four for basketball. and I could of have the opportunity to go on a bus with babson down to Virginia to watch the game - which ellie wanted  me to do but I ultimately decided not to. partly because Kristen is here and I have a concert and other reasons like it is a 10 hour bus ride and I am not actually friends with anyone on the basketball team. so good call there, molly - even if it is a once in the lifetime experience or whatever.

also when we went to the last game after it was over everyone runs onto the court and congratulates the players. so Amelie and ellie were like let's go congratulate them. but instead they stand awkwardly on the side looking at people. so I was urging them to leave. because it is awkward. not the congratulating part. if they just walked right up and said congrats that would be fine. it was the awkward standing there because they are not really friends and they don't know if they should. here's the thing, yes, you may know him, you may have classes together, he may know who you are too, but if you aren't friends this isn't the time to go up and congratulate him because he has friends who are more important at the moment to congratulate too. so I was just like, let's get out of here instead of standing here awkwardly. I was right because they didn't go up and congratulate anyone. it's not bad or anything to just leave, it's just knowing your place and role in their lives, if it was my friends of course I would go up and talk to them - but if you feel awkward or iffy about just walking up to them, then you probably shouldn't at this moment - wait until you see them in class or whatever.

okay that felt good to get off my chest.

um what else. I bought tickets for Amelie to go see Stromae is September for her birthday so hopefully she likes that. kind of expensive but i'm sure worth it.

I have to get all four wisdom teeth out, going to do that in may. so looking forward to it. not. my mom and I drove up to Vermont for a consultation because this was the only time I could do it and they was the only office that had time. so then we went to kringle candle which was fun and all.

umm. I still really want to go on tour this summer. but no further developments. so just sort of stuck. interview on Thursday. still working at Spotify, maybe stay there for the summer. I don't know. I wish I had it figured out. this time last year I was getting my rounder job.

OH I remember something else I wanted to talk about. I went and saw Maura in the highschool play Little Shop of Horrors. and did I talk about Dan Sullivan in here before? I feel like I did back when he was in 7th grade. well now he is in 11th grade I believe. or something. but he was in the play as the dentist and he was awesome and it's really cool to see him grow up and he is still an awesome singer. and then there was another little 7th grader who sang and he was also really good. and when I saw him sing I was just like, that's why I want to do artist management, so I can help kids like that reach their dreams. it was a nice reminder.

nice quote I just saw on instagram: "Until you get comfortable with being alone, you will never know if you are choosing someone out of love or loneliness" and I think I am pretty comfortable with being alone. but I have been thinking about guys and relationships more than I would like. not sure why. maybe because I know I am amazing and I know there is someone amazing out there too. and i'm content waiting. and I don't even have time for a boyfriend at all. but it would still be nice, you know? well nice but then I remember all the hard parts as well, but that's worth it for the right guy.

did you know that my mom was 21 when she met and moved in with my dad? and then they were married before they were dating for a year - I think so. they got married so my dad could stay in the country legally. and guess what? my dad just did the same thing so his new wife could get back into the country after she went back home to currently she is in Taiwan. my dad is still here. her kids are with their dad and he won't let my dad see them. even though I guess technically he is their step dad now. ewww ahhaglka that means she is my stepmom. nope. no way. that was the first time I thought of her like that and not happening. not even acknowledging that. not letting my dad's choices interfere with my life. the only connection I really want is to her family that I stayed with in Taiwan because I love them. and I really have nothing against her - but what are they thinking getting married in the court house and then her leaving for Taiwan a few days later? no wonder they are having legal problems or whatever. I mean the choice is theirs completely but I have no part in it.

oh also how would you interpret this text which I got from Nasser (who was in shanghai with me): "Morning beautiful! I'm driving home now, enjoy your break and I can't wait to see you after" -_- this is from someone who I barely text, I don't hang out with that much, I had dinner with him and four other people the night before...Amelie told me not to read into it but ummm. I'm not interested in Nasser soooooo I really would like to avoid that awkward situation. not that I blame him, i'm amazing. same with Michele. like i'm sorry boys i'm so awesome but I am just not interested. such a hearbreaker. woop.

okay I think that is enough for now. i'll be back soon.