Wednesday, December 23, 2015

okay so I owe you some updates.

so I had a second date with Prateek. I picked him up from work and went out to dinner at The Local. and it went really well, I like talking with him and it is easy to talk with him. and then since everyone else in my suite had went home, I brought him back to my suite. and we talked for a little bit. and then we made out. like really made out. clothes off, touching pretty much everywhere. and I enjoyed it. and I enjoyed talking with him while we made out too. and there were parts where I wasn't feeling it, but other parts where I really was. but anyways then Ellie freaked out on me, while he was still over. let me show you the text exchange.

10:46 Ellie: Yo Are you back safely?
10:57 Molly: Hey! Yes I am okay!
10:58 Ellie: Thanks.
11:01 Ellie: Only had a small panic attack.
11:04 Ellie: Or having a heart attack.
11:04 Molly: Don't have a heart attack! I promise I'm okay! I'll tell you all about it later
11:04 Ellie: Ya.
11:06 Ellie: I kind of feel worthless
11:07 Ellie: K well night I guess
11:13 Ellie: I don't like this
11:13 Molly: Noo Ellie I'll call you in 5 minutes
11:13 Ellie: Forget it.

So then I called her, while Prateek was still here. and I kept calling until she picked up because she wouldn't answer her phone. and she was freaking out on me. like how she felt alone. and how I was on a dating app for a week and already found someone. and how she doesn't want to be the only one in our friend group who is single. this is because Amelie is now recently in a relationship and been spending a lot of time with Isaac so we have had to get used to that. and then Ellie goes into how she hasn't been happy at all lately and how she has thought about telling us but hasn't. and then the whole thing about how she had a bad experience with a tinder guy, she had invited him over to watch Netflix and he wanted more than she did so she had to kick him out. so I understand why she was worried. but she was overreacting. when I said I was fine, she should have backed down and trusted me. but then I told her about that night, not that he was still there, or she wouldn't have talked to me. and she didn't really have a response but it doesn't matter because that was my choice.

Ellie is too dependent on her friends. she can't be alone or by herself. maybe it has to do with how she was brought up and didn't have the closest family or that she had a bad time freshman year and didn't have any friends. but she has to let us breathe. she basically scolded Amelie the other day because Amelie didn't tell her the truth about when she was going with Isaac and spent longer with him than she said she would. she is going to have to learn how to live without us. like I don't want to live in the same place as her just so I can distance myself. there is a reason why we don't want to tell her everything, because she judges and she clings on too much. I know she cares and she is a great friend but she expects so much. and is she is disappointed and upset if we don't live up to those expectations once.

compare her freak out reaction to when I told Roxy I wasn't going to work on the essay with her tonight, and she said "Okay! I'll see you tomorrow!" and she trusted me. I told Roxy everything that happened with Prateek and Ellie and all. I trust her so much, we have been through so much together and I love her. and she gives me space. we don't have to hang out or talk to know we are still friends. I can go weeks without talking or hanging out with Roxy and know that we are still best friends. if I went a week without talking to Ellie she would freak out and get mad at me. if I go a day without talking to Ellie I think she is pissed.

but anyways me and Prateek. he is really cool. and I like talking with him. it's easy to talk to him. and I like kissing him. we have been texting a bit since then, but he doesn't like texting and it takes him hours to reply. which is fine. he has never been in a relationships because he never wanted to be after seeing his parent's relationship. so i'm pretty sure that whole not wanting a relationship still stands. which is okay. I am just taking it one day at a time. my plan is to do this weird texting thing over this month and then if he wants to meet up when I am back we will. and we will do a few more dates, probably make out some more, and then see what happens. I don't know if we will get together, I don't really care either way currently. if I never saw him again, I would be sad, but I wouldn't care that much. I am currently caring a little more than I want to, like checking my phone to see if he texted, rereading his texts a bunch before I respond, and seeing if he saw my snap stories. but the whole crushing thing is pretty under control. I am realistic and have a good head on my shoulders. I know the odds of anything actually working out are slim, but i'm just going to have fun.

this month i'm just going to relax and try not to worry too much about boys.

oh he is going to be in new York when I would have if I went with Ellie. so for a while I was regretting not going with Ellie, since i'm going to be home by myself for new years. but then I remembered why I didn't go in the first place, in a huge city when it is freezing cold, spending money, and spending all my time with Ellie and Amelie. I need a break. I still kind of regret it because it would have been nice to kiss Prateek on new years but that is okay. it is probably good for us to have space too, no need to move too quickly.

anyways now my computer is going to die. I haven't gone to the barn today, I probably won't, I didn't go yesterday. I just cancelled on my babysitting gig to take this class that I might not even keep and I don't even know what I am doing with my life. yay.

Monday, December 14, 2015

hi so I met a guy I met via a dating app. and he kissed me. he also paid for my lunch. and now I have been texting him. and against my better judgment I am spending too much time thinking about him. I am going to have dinner with him on Thursday and I am already planning how I can kiss him again. for longer this time. I haven't kissed anyone since Josh. so what had happened was I was leaving so I was standing outside his apartment. yes I ended up at his apartment but I was only there for like 30 minutes tops and nothing happen there. I didn't even take off my coat. but when I was leaving he gave me a really good hug and as we were separating he stayed close to my face and looked at me and then went in to kiss me before I really even knew what was happening. and the kiss felt urgent and fast, like he had been wanting to kiss me and knew we didn't have much time. we didn't because I pulled away pretty quickly because we were standing on newbury street. but I really want to kiss him again. and I want to talk to him again. and ah. I don't know. it is just so strange. I hadn't even talked to him too much on coffee meets bagel (the dating app) but it somehow worked out that we were going to meet up and I decided to just go for it. I figured it would at least be interesting. but he is really cool. and smart. he went to brown for computer science. and he thinks I am really cool. and who knows maybe he does this all the time and we didn't actually connect and he is just using me but I hope not. and he is more attractive in person than in his pictures. and he is from India but he doesn't have an Indian accent. and I don't want to think about him. I want to focus on finals. I want to be able to sleep without checking my phone every two seconds. ahhh stupid. and we will see how dinner goes on Thursday. I am already thinking about how if i wanted to he could come back to my suite because all my suitemates will be gone. but then that gets dangerous so I would tell him before he came over that we weren't having sex. but still to just kiss him would be great. but also to talk to him at dinner would also be great. I am still awake because I am waiting for him to text back. but he might not now. he might be asleep. he works so he has to be up early. but anyways now I should sleep. but there is the update. cool.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

hi I should go to sleep now but I feel like checking in.

my heart has been feeling strange. like heavy or like it is working hard or tight or strange. and i'm sure it's all mental from when the doctor said she heard a heart murmur. I looked up heart murmur and most are innocent. but i'm pretty sure i'm mentally doing this because when I am busy or thinking about other things I am fine, but when I have down time that is when I feel it so i am sure my brain just goes there. so i'm trying not to think or worry about it but it is hard.

but this week is a crazy one. after class tomorrow i have to do fme practice presentations. and then i am going out to dinner and then to a concert. so i have no time to do work. and then Tuesday i'm going to wake up early to do work and then after class i have to babysit and i'm not sure until how late. and then Wednesday i'm also babysitting until 6:30 and then my dad asked if i wanted to go to a concert with him. and then Thursday i am babysitting too and then going to the hunger games premiere. and then Friday at 2pm i'm on a bus to the airport to go to chile. what. alright then. we will get it all done though.

okay but strange occurrence today. this morning joe cooked me, Amelie, roxy, and irfaan pancakes. i think joe was gone at this point. but roxy told me that her boyfriend mike was going to join us to go see the hunger games premiere to which i said yay third wheel. and then she felt bad and i was like no no it's fine, i'm just giving you a hard time. but then Irfaan said he was going to come so yay. but then a little while roxy said something sassy to irfaan so he said that she couldn't come to the hunger games and started to say "so then Mike will be the..." and then stopped and i was just shaking my head and he said he wasn't going to finish that sentence. and we kind of laughed. and then sort of said something else and i said i was going to say that i would be third wheeling him and mike. but anyways it was strange because he went to thinking that it would be like we were together and you know that it was just what came to his head because he stopped himself midsentence when he realized. i'm sure i was blushing like crazy.

because the thing is i kind of like Irfaan, in the way that you kind of interested. i have been since then first year. so i am extra aware of what i say and how i act around him sort of thing. but not that i necessarily want anything to happen. if anything i would like to be better friends with him. i never actually hang out and talk with him unless in a big group and i never actually talk. i realized i don't know all that about him, so like we act like friends in the group but aren't actually that close.

but anyways now I've been thinking about that. i know it is not a big deal and i can't bring it up and talk about it with anyone because then they will know I've been thinking about it and i care and might be interested in him. anyways fun stuff. and i think joe is coming to the movies now too, which is good, but also bad because i was kind of excited for a kind of double date, but not really, thing. anyways we will see how that goes on Thursday!

now i really should go to sleep. exciting week. now cut it out heart/brain.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I am about to start crying in the library.

I am hungry. and I was seeing who would go to trim with me. Roxy is going to Reynolds and I don't want to use my Reynolds meals. Ellie is at dinner with her brother. Amelie is eating in her room. so I don't have anyone to eat with.

and I have this stupid science project. and no one in my group has done anything. and I haven't done enough to compensate and make up for their lack of doing shit. I had the smallest part too so I should have done a bigger part. and I am trying to make my part better and I don't know what I am doing. and I don't think anyone is going to do anything, they definitely haven't done anything yet. and I don't want to do their parts. yet it is supposed to be a group project. so I am meeting with the professor tomorrow to tell her but I don't think she will be able to anything. I don't know what she will tell me. maybe i'll just do the whole thing on Thursday. I don't know. I don't want to get stressed out by this because it isn't a big deal but I sort of am getting stressed about it.

and I have two papers to write for entertainment law. and I have barely started. and I just feel like all of this is crap. what is the point. and I have a bunch of reading for tomorrow that isn't going to get done.

I just can't do this. it's all stupid and insignificant problems but I have to deal with them anyways.

hopefully i'll be going home on Friday for the weekend. and all of this will be over with soon enough. it just really sucks that's all.

Joe already went to dinner. I texted Emma but i'm not holding my breath that I will get a response. I might end up just using one of my Reynolds meals. because I don't want to eat in Trim by myself. pathetic.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

i have this nawing tightening anxious feeling in my stomach. it feels like i'm nervous and like i'm upset at myself. like I am worried about what is going to happen next.

I don't know. Ellie just got back from the weekend and I just didn't have the energy to entertain her. so I sort of just sat quietly until she left. and I know she knew that I was out of it. but whatever.

I really just want to go to sleep. but I have to go do my shift at the innovation center, but I probably won't stay the whole time because I need sleep. and I still have this horrible feeling in my stomach.

I have been watching the show Nashville and now i'm hooked on it.

it's nawing, tightening.
pounding, coming ever closer.
I just want to go to sleep.
but I still have ten things to get done.
my mind can't stop.
what I should be doing. what i'm not doing.
who wants me to do what.
I need to break away.
I need to sleep.
but they won't stop telling me what I should be doing.
I won't stop telling me what I should be doing.
expectations and reality are one and the same.
don't let them down.
don't let yourself down.
you need to do this. you need to keep going.
you said you would.
they need you to.
you need you to.
I need me to.
i'm the one letting the pressure get to me.
it's all made up.
the expectations from others are mine only.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

(this never got published before, it should be before the previous post)

hi I have a lot of thoughts and feelings but I am not sure what to write about. I feel like you miss out on a lot in my life so you don't get the full picture by reading this. but I guess that is life, you never get the full picture of anyone but yourself. i'm going to go catch up on what I have written about in case I need to add on to anything.

omg I've barely posted since school started but I feel like so much has happened.

between the stupid hackathon, which I don't want to write about and would rather just forget.

dealing with living with Ellie and that whole friendship.

babysitting and dogsitting like crazy.

Roxy and her boyfriend.

all of my classes, and doing a play. the classes I like and the classes I don't like.

how content I am that there are no boys in my life.

I think I overall i'm happy though. daily I tiptoe around and deal with Ellie. I have to deal with classes and that work. jobs and all of that is always in the back of my mind. trying to be a good friend and make new friends. and being a good daughter/sister and staying in touch with them.

I was just home last weekend and again had such a hard time living. I was miserable all day. and I was crying so hard when I was leaving. I was also sick, I had a cold, so maybe that was part of it. but by the time I got to babson I was fine and back at it.

I just video chatted with Kristen. I miss her so much, I wish she was here. it's crazy to think a year ago we were in Shanghai. ahhh. okay I think I should go to bed.


I have a stupid science midterm tomorrow that I don't know anything for because we have to know so much and I don't know anything so I know i'm going to do poorly

and then I messed up something for fme, I just jumped the gun because I wanted to get something done when I really should have just waited. and now it came back to bite me in the butt. and it's stupid.

and i'm overtired. and I just feel like shit. and I don't want to do anything.

this is such a rough week for me. I didn't even see it coming.

I just want someone I can rant to and talk to about all of this without them judging or comparing my life to theirs.

deep breath. okay here is the plan molly. after you are done with this you are going to get ready for bed. then you are going to go to sleep. tomorrow morning you will put on your favorite sweater and jeans. then you will go to fme and deal with professor vroman and apologize for your mistake. you will try to look over some science stuff while you are in fme. and then you will take your science midterm and you will do the best you can. and then it will be over. and then you will go to media studies. and after media studies you will grab some food. and then you will go babysit. after babysitting you will get dinner. and then you will finish your business and drama paper and you will do research for your entertainment law paper. and then you will cut stupid paper for professor sokuvitz. then you will go to bed. then the next morning you will wake up and you will finish cutting paper and you will write warm and fuzzies for the first years. and then you will do errands if you have time. and then you will go to business and drama and then entertainment law. and then you will breathe. and then you will get some food. and then you will do science research or the science lab. and then you will have dinner. and then you will do the fme review session. and then you will do science research or the science lab. then maybe you will go to Karla's suite. and then you will sleep. and then you will go to the fme exam. then you will drive Amelie. and then you will either go to your science meeting then babysit, or you will try to get out of the science meeting and meet Maeve and Auntie Julie for lunch and then hang out with Maeve and her friends for the day.

but I really don't want to do any of that. I just want to curl up in my bed and stay here forever. but I guess that is life and being an adult. it sucks.

Monday, October 12, 2015

okay so an idea just popped into my head and I need to flesh it out a bit.

okay so every time a fan engages with you on facebook, twitter, instagram: aka follows you. they get a message. a message invites you to join "the fan club" which basically is just them entering their info. the main info we would want: name, age (birthday), location (zipcode), twitter/instagram/facebook, email

then we would have a profile for every fan. so we can target emails/messages at them. when it is their birthday they can get a special message from us. when there is something major happening in their city, they can get a message: whether that is us performing or just some news worthy event to show we are thinking about them.

you can also send a follow up longer option survey to everyone part of the club. this could have fun questions like what is your favorite color? and favorite candy? maybe even ask their mailing address. so that way you can surprise them by always sending emails in their favorite color. or randomly sending them small surprises. and you can ask them market survey questions too. like what do you think of this song? how likely are you to buy this merch for this amount?

you could even incorporate a point system into the survey thing. but just get as much information from your fans so they are just not a number. but this is something that one artist could do with the help of some interns. minus if you actually mail them anything, this wouldn't cost any money, just time. but think about how devoted the fans would be when everything is tailored to them and how special they would feel.

then if there was a way to make this so it could be streamlined and easily used for every artist. there is a business within itself. manage their email/social media messaging to the fans and keep a database of all their fans.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

hello I have owed you a post. and right now I am tired and should be sleeping but it's not that late. so now I will talk with you.

I went and visited Maeve at her college. and it was so strange. she was so at home at college. she knew all these people and just fit in. she was all grown up. she knew her way around, she had friends, she stopped to talk to people as we were walking around. it was so weird. I am so proud of her and I am so happy she is enjoying it. I guess it is hard to see your little sister grow up.

what else is happening in my life. i'm currently dogsitting two dogs at two different houses from Thursday until Tuesday. so that's exciting. last weekend I have been babysitting. so I really haven't had a weekend on campus yet. which is fine.

i'm kind of getting ready to be done with college. i'm getting sick of seeing the same people all the time. and the same old same old. I mean I still love it, but i'm so used to it. the 4th time starting a new year the magic sort of wears off. I mean I have an awesome year planned and I know I will enjoy myself but just little things are starting to rub me the wrong way. like having to fight to keep a room I reserved in the library. and people who are nice and friendly to you but you both know that you just don't click. and having your close friends but knowing that you annoy them and they annoy you sometimes and just the same old stuff. but I guess that is life right? I should get used to it because I can't just up and move whenever I get sick of it...well maybe I can but we will see about that.

so the other day I was researching companies I might want to apply to. and I stumbled upon this smaller company and I didn't understand how it worked. so I created an account and all and I kind of figured it out. but they sent me one of those generic emails about how I haven't done anything yet. so I emailed them back and said I wasn't really making an account I was just curious and if I could talk to someone. they said yeah! so I talked on the phone with these guys and what they were doing made sense and all and it was pretty interesting. and then they sort of offered me an internship because they are doing a campus rep program. so they are supposed to send me more about it. interested how things happen. not sure if it will happen, but it's good to talk to people.

well in some cases it is good to talk to people. so I had talked about Andrew before right? hold on let me check. oooh I left off at the first convo. anyways I kept talking to him for a while and I found out things were going on with his girlfriend...and he was hard core flirting. anyways I decided it was too weird for me because he was still posting stuff about his girlfriend on social media. but I didn't hear from him for a while and then I liked something he posted on facebook and then he messaged me about how we hadn't talked in a while and he was busy. but then he called me "darling." so I called him out and said it made me uncomfortable that he was flirting with me while he had a girlfriend. and he sort of shut up pretty quickly, I tried to keep the convo going a bit longer but he wasn't having any of it. so I am assuming that he won't be talking to me anymore...I think i'll add all of our convos at the end of this just to keep them. don't be mad at me for talking to him as long as I did. sometimes it takes my brain a little while to kick in between all the hormones and emotions and stuff.

what else? still have a kind of weird friendship with Derek. no real father drama.

oooh. I remember. I got a text the other day from a number I didn't have in my phone that said "Hey" so I said "Hey, who is this?" and they responded "Bea" to which I didn't respond. you remember Bea, right? anyways there was a falling out between her and my sister and i'm pretty sure Bea said or did some things that I didn't like either. but then out of the blue she sent my sister an email, which was the letter she had talked about in a video a long time ago but never wrote/sent. but then when Maeve wanted to talk on the phone with her she had to study for a Maeve hasn't talked to her. and then I got this. and I didn't respond after that, and she didn't say anything else. like I told Maeve, both Maeve and I have moved in our lives and we don't need Bea as a friend. so i'm not going to be chasing after or trying to mend this friendship. Bea was never that great of a friend anyways, she was so caught up with herself. so just as well. I still wish her well and hope she is enjoying college, but to be honest i'm assuming her reaching out to me and Maeve means she might not be doing great. she just has to hold in there and find herself a bit and grow up and she will do okay.

anything else? dealing with classes. I don't feel like a senior. I still feel so young and like I don't know what im doing. i'm going to go to chile in 2 months. and then to paris in march. what. I don't know.

I should sleep because I need to do work in the morning and then I have to go to Boston for a Hacking Arts meeting and party. and I still have two dogs to take care of. and then school the day after. but I start ceramics on Monday so I am excited for that. ahh okay let me slowly start getting ready for bed.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

"I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning," said Alice a little timidly: "but it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then." – Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)

i'm officially a senior. first day of class was yesterday. two more today.

crazy. it seems like I just started college and now I am on my last year.

I don't really have much to say but during orientation - I was a peer mentor for the exchange students. there was an activity where they asked who kept a journal or wrote down their thoughts regularly and I was one of the only people who stood up. so it was a reminder that this is special and not everyone does this.

but orientation was exhausted. I never truly felt like I was part of the group as much as people say that everyone magically bonds over training and orientation. but training and then orientation was so tiring. but I am glad I did it. the exchange students were great. i'm glad that I know all of them.

i'm getting used to living in a suite and always being around Ellie and Amelie and Sarah. the hardest is in the morning when Amelie and Ellie are up early and already up and at them and I just want to pee and wash my face in peace. I think after yesterday they might have got the hint to leave me alone in the morning. today since I don't have class until 11:30 I waited until they left and then I left my room. i'm used to being alone and I like being alone a lot of the time. so that will be hard when they always expect me to hang out. but I am sure we will get in our schedule and our rhythm.

just like how I have to figure out when i'm going to eat lunch. having class from 9:45 to 3 with only ten minute breaks in between doesn't give much time for lunch. and then on Wednesdays I will go straight to babysitting. so we will see how that works...

today since I don't start until 11:30 i'm going to go to Reynolds and buy something. I have yet to buy groceries since i'm babysitting from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. like staying overnight and being with them the whole time. so I won't even be here. so i'll probably go grocery shopping sunday afternoon or Monday.

and then I am still helping with this Hacking Arts thing which ended up being more work than I initially promised. but hopefully i'll feel like it was worth it at the end.

what else? I signed up for ceramics so I am glad I will be doing that class on Monday evenings. i'm going to be dog sitting two dogs one weekend so that will be fun. but yeah back on the Babson grind.

I get to go see Maeve on Tuesday at college but she sounds like she is doing great. so i'm excited to see her then. anyways I should get all my stuff together and then go head down to Reynolds so I can eat before class.

the life of a college senior.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

hi so a strange thing happened to me yesterday. hold on I need to see if there is any past reference of the guy i'm about to talk about. okay I don't think there is on the blog. but 53 weeks ago I went to one of Erin's friends house and they have woods in the back that they cleared out a bit for a bonfire and a stage called "The Clubhouse" so we saw a band called Fever Fever play. and two of the guys were my age and we talked to them for a bit. and then the next night we went to their actual show. and they were really good and it was fun. and I posted pictures on instagram. and I added the two of them on facebook. and then the one who I thought was nicer and all had a girlfriend. so I have just sort of followed their band and all and I really like their music. and that was all.

but then yesterday Andrew, the guy I talked about above, messaged me on facebook wondering how he knew me. and then he was wondering when I would be back in Nashville. and I asked why he wanted to know. and it went into a full conversation of me trying to figure out his intentions. which ended with him saying we were flirting...

I mean the conversation was fun but i'm 90% sure he has a girlfriend unless that has changed very recently and the gf hasn't changed her fb status yet. sooo kind of confusing. why would you be messaging me when you have a gf? according to fb they got together a year ago so like right after I met him.

but somehow I promised him I would message him again today...I am still so confused. but it was fun and the odds of me ever seeing him again anytime soon are very slim.

and i'm not actually that interested. while he is cute in a quirky way. if he is dating his girlfriend i'm not interested in a guy who fb messages other girls while in a relationships and girls that he barely knows and met once a year ago. not a good situation.

but because it is fun. and I see little risk currently. I will message him again tonight. I will try not to stay up as late as I did last night. I think I will leave the convo here for prosperity. now I am guessing if I actually should message him tonight or not. Molly, you know yourself, you will.

boys. so confusing. but I am learning they are usually straightforward and don't think as much as I do. so instead of trying to figure out all their whys and motives, just go with whatever is obvious, because that is probably the case.

but I haven't heard from Matt which is good because I don't really want to have to deal with that and I don't really feel like seeing him again. so it is easier to just have silence...

haven't talked to Derek since skyping but that is good.

but the whole Andrew thing is still very strange to me. I am still wondering if it is someone other than him messaging. like maybe his girlfriend. or one of his friend hacked his account. I kind of wish I could go back and change some of my messages to see what would have happened.

I just have a weird feeling about the whole thing. yeah now that the fun and excitement as worn off I just feel weird about it. I will see how I feel tonight but I will probably message him again just to see and then either get some actual answers or just sort of let it go...

Tuesday 12:36am
WHERE DID I MEET YOU sorry I can't remember but you look so familiar
Tuesday 10:28am
Hahaha I met you in Nashville last summer at Davys clubhouse one night when fever fever performed!
YES right of course. sorry. smile emoticon
Not a problem! It was a while ago and I haven't seen you since then. Plus you meet a lot of people! smile emoticon
you don't live in Nashville now though??
No, I was only there last summer. I'm in Boston now. I have one year of school left, so you know where I will end up after that!
haha awesome. then maybe I actually WILL see you again!
12 hours ago
probably not til next summer I assume?
Probably not, but who knows!
May I ask if there is a certain reason why you're asking?!
hmm what would be a good reason? haha smile emoticon
Like oh hey you should come out to our show, or maybe you could manage this band, or you would be perfect for this job, or I have this awesome friend you should meet, or you seem really cool even though I forget we met so we should meet again
Hahaha noo I'm kidding. I was just curious since it was kind of random.
haha I know, I'm random just. wanted to say hi...? hehe
Im always skeptical...still think there is some other motivation hahaha but hi!
ahem well what are you suspecting
I have no idea!
hmmmm. that doesn't sound true. haha smile emoticon
Okay so I have a lot of ideas but none seem plausible. It would be a lot easier if you just told me...
yes but is that as fun? wink emoticon
squint emoticon so you're admitting there is a reason? Or this is just a game or kind of experiment...
there might be.
but games are fun too. smile emoticon
Well you have about 5 minutes to admit your true intentions before I call it quits!
oh shit!
Well I hope you found this entertaining!
okay okay shhh
I remember I thought you were cute.
Oh okay, cool thanks. Awesome reason.
is it...?
or is that sarcasm. ha.
Hahaha you're catching on
oops. sorry.
No no, just expecting a different reason?
Yeah? You just saw me on fb though oh she is cute let me message her and see when she is in Nashville next? And I thought you were in a relationship? Or you just base potential friends on cuteness? Hahaha
no I thought you were cute when I met you haha smile emoticon
You're still just confusing me but it's okay. I can live with that!
like when I met you in Nashville
Yes yes, that part doesn't confuse me. The part where that is the reason why you are wondering when ill be back in Nashville is confusing.
oh. uhm. cuz I was just wondering if I'd see you again.
Oh okay!
is that alright?
Alright that I would see you again? Yes. Alright for an answer? I guess I will have to accept it or I could continue asking why
keep asking away haha smile emoticon
This is 100% a game for you! I hope you have like all of your friends and you're all getting a kick out of this. But I'll keep playing along a bit longer.
what psh it's just me here haha what friends.
sorry if I'm offending you 😬
Why are you wondering if you would see me again, Andrew? Other than previous states reasons about cuteness.
No no, just always cautious with fb messaging
haha that's fair
sigh I don't knowww I like seeing cute people...?
Why is that? Do you think cute people are more interesting? Is there something you were hoping to gain by seeing me again?
Haha you're really making me work here to get info even if there is no info to get...
hahaha youre fun uhm idk. fun things can happen with cute people.
Like you're doing this on purpose to drive me crazy or to keep this convo going on as long as possible. "Fun things"?!
haha sorry if I'm driving you crazy smile emoticon it's FUN see
You're not actually sorry. But I've figured it out. I'm going to tell you what was going on in your head from when you first messaged me to now.
haha oh shit smile emoticon
Andrews thoughts: "hm how do I know this girl I'm fb friends with she looks familiar. Oh right the clubhouse. I thought she was cute. I wonder when I'll ever see her again let me ask. Oh she wants to know why I want to know. Hmm why do I want to know? Oh she's funny let's keep this going. I guess I will tell her I thought she was cute. She didn't like that answer?! All girls like to be told their cute. But this is still fun, I want to keep this going. Wow this convo ended up being different than expected but I'm glad, I had fun, but I am still wondering when ill see her again"
you're good. hehe. smile emoticon
Accurate, right?
pretty accurate smile emoticon
sorry. haha smile emoticon
Don't be sorry, obviously I thought it was fun too
But any major flaws? Improvements to help for the next time I figure out what someone is thinking?
haha! umm. hmm. nothing major.
I mean small flaws are okay too. Its a skill I'm continually refining. Haha
I mean. nah. I do think you're cute and I do think this is fun so. those  are the major points. wink emoticon
Okay the little make me think otherwise.
haha how's that
Nope not doing this again. But it's like "hint hint wink wink get the inside joke"
oh goodness. we're flirting get over it.
Yessss thank you
bein honest. haha smile emoticon
That's all I ever wanted!
aw really
For you to be honest, yes!
well there it was
Now I can sleep in peace and not talk to you for another year.
haha what nooo
I mean sleep is good for me, it's past midnight here!
same here!!
Oh see I don't even know what time zone you're in.
wow do you even care
I really don't. Which is why I'm going to sleep and then just continue on with my life with just the memory of a random fun fb convo
haha woah. harsh.
The real world is harsh!
I guess so.
Haha kidding, but I actually am going to go to sleep. I have an exciting day tomorrow. But I guess feel free to message me again? Not really sure how to go from here...
oh? are you sure?
I mean if you want to...
or you could message me...
Oooo, that's a bit harder
how so?
I mean I could. But I don't like to bother people sooo I only usually message people who I know will enjoy being bothered by me
but I will enjoy it
Okay then maybe I will message you
oh man that's exciting
I mean I know you'll just be checking your phone waiting in anticipation
don't keep me waiting
That is not a promise I can make. I can't seem over eager and I have to think of something smart to say. And the whole life thing I have going on.
oh right right. can't seem too eager to talk to me again.
Exactly. If I messaged you like tomorrow, you might be alarmed and get scared off
but tomorrow is when I want you to message me.
Okay then I will.
that's more like it. hehe.
Okay, goodnight!
night smile emoticon
Chat Conversation End