Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I am about to start crying in the library.

I am hungry. and I was seeing who would go to trim with me. Roxy is going to Reynolds and I don't want to use my Reynolds meals. Ellie is at dinner with her brother. Amelie is eating in her room. so I don't have anyone to eat with.

and I have this stupid science project. and no one in my group has done anything. and I haven't done enough to compensate and make up for their lack of doing shit. I had the smallest part too so I should have done a bigger part. and I am trying to make my part better and I don't know what I am doing. and I don't think anyone is going to do anything, they definitely haven't done anything yet. and I don't want to do their parts. yet it is supposed to be a group project. so I am meeting with the professor tomorrow to tell her but I don't think she will be able to anything. I don't know what she will tell me. maybe i'll just do the whole thing on Thursday. I don't know. I don't want to get stressed out by this because it isn't a big deal but I sort of am getting stressed about it.

and I have two papers to write for entertainment law. and I have barely started. and I just feel like all of this is crap. what is the point. and I have a bunch of reading for tomorrow that isn't going to get done.

I just can't do this. it's all stupid and insignificant problems but I have to deal with them anyways.

hopefully i'll be going home on Friday for the weekend. and all of this will be over with soon enough. it just really sucks that's all.

Joe already went to dinner. I texted Emma but i'm not holding my breath that I will get a response. I might end up just using one of my Reynolds meals. because I don't want to eat in Trim by myself. pathetic.