Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I have a stupid science midterm tomorrow that I don't know anything for because we have to know so much and I don't know anything so I know i'm going to do poorly

and then I messed up something for fme, I just jumped the gun because I wanted to get something done when I really should have just waited. and now it came back to bite me in the butt. and it's stupid.

and i'm overtired. and I just feel like shit. and I don't want to do anything.

this is such a rough week for me. I didn't even see it coming.

I just want someone I can rant to and talk to about all of this without them judging or comparing my life to theirs.

deep breath. okay here is the plan molly. after you are done with this you are going to get ready for bed. then you are going to go to sleep. tomorrow morning you will put on your favorite sweater and jeans. then you will go to fme and deal with professor vroman and apologize for your mistake. you will try to look over some science stuff while you are in fme. and then you will take your science midterm and you will do the best you can. and then it will be over. and then you will go to media studies. and after media studies you will grab some food. and then you will go babysit. after babysitting you will get dinner. and then you will finish your business and drama paper and you will do research for your entertainment law paper. and then you will cut stupid paper for professor sokuvitz. then you will go to bed. then the next morning you will wake up and you will finish cutting paper and you will write warm and fuzzies for the first years. and then you will do errands if you have time. and then you will go to business and drama and then entertainment law. and then you will breathe. and then you will get some food. and then you will do science research or the science lab. and then you will have dinner. and then you will do the fme review session. and then you will do science research or the science lab. then maybe you will go to Karla's suite. and then you will sleep. and then you will go to the fme exam. then you will drive Amelie. and then you will either go to your science meeting then babysit, or you will try to get out of the science meeting and meet Maeve and Auntie Julie for lunch and then hang out with Maeve and her friends for the day.

but I really don't want to do any of that. I just want to curl up in my bed and stay here forever. but I guess that is life and being an adult. it sucks.