Tuesday, May 19, 2009

um. hate being a teenager pretty much. k thanks?

so i have two cavities. and i am upset about that. mostly because of the big deal the dentist and such made it. gr. 

so two weeks after i find that lovely news out i have to go to the orthodontist for the first time. i had been told that my teeth seem straight enough and they didn't think that i would need braces just maybe something to fix my gap. well too bad they aren't orthodontists. cause guess what? i need braces. so after that thing went around my head and i had to pull my lips away with some plastic things someone came in and looked at the pictures and told me what was wrong with me. i have a over jet which i never even noticed before and my teeth don't fit nicely together. so i was already starting to get upset guess i don't want braces. when i say upset i mean like my eyes started to get wet and i had to try not to cry. then she went on to show me invisalign and i was getting more excited. i liked the idea of invisalign a lot better than braces. then the actual orthodontist came in and looked at my teeth and said numbers and such. and basically told me: "You need braces. Invisalign might fix some of it but not all. So you need braces." and then they asked me questions like "what do you think about braces?" and i pretty much felt like crying and almost did right there. everyone is getting their braces off and i don't want to be getting mine on. i would have to have them for two years. 

my mother didn't set up another appointment and said we need to talk about it first. we haven't talked about it yet which i am glad about so i won't start balling as i start talking. why do we even need braces in the first place? oh right because everyone needs perfect teeth just like they need perfect clothes and a perfect body. greattttttt.

not to mention it is my time - otherwise known as i'm having my stupid period - and i had 4h - and it is 9:30 and i really feel like writing more but i'm too tired and i want to look at the invisalign teen site before i have to go to bed. righttt.