Wednesday, May 6, 2009

guess what happened at school today?

guess what happened at school today?

Abby was sexually harassed.

oh my god.

i don't know what to say about this because this is the first time i have ever encountered something like this. ever. i know that Abby has been sexually harassed before but that was when we weren't twins.

this. has. happened. to. her. before.

why does she have to go through this? no one should have to. ever. but according to Ms. Levrault every girl will go through it at least once. what the fuck? they shouldn't. guys shouldn't either. yet they do.

so when I was talking to Abby online i had no idea what i was talking about. i was making completely nonsense. and if anything i probably make it worse. i'm a great friend, huh?

i look up to Abby a lot because she already has her own strong opinions on things that she could easily defend while i have no idea what i am talking about. Abby is so capable and amazing and she doesn't even realize it. i feel like i don't really compare to her because she doesn't care what other people think at all, she isn't afraid to be loud, she respects other people's opinions even when they aren't the same as her own, she knows how to deal with special needs children, she has a handle on her life, she doesn't let people keep her down, she controls her own life, she doesn't let her disability hold her back instead she accepts it, she is an amazing friend, she can deal with so much, she gets along with all different type of people, she knows who she is, and even if this isn't all true she has me believing it is.

so right now i should be working on a science project that is due tomorrow but if found this more important. i hope just by reading this you can understand something that is going on in my head cause right now i don't.