Friday, May 22, 2009

so i still hate it.

today we went on a field trip. all well and dandy since it meant i didn't have to go to regular classes. so yeah. we climbed up Mt. Sugarloaf first which was pretty tiring but not too bad. the top was alright but we didn't stay up there for long before we headed back down. all fine. then we got back on the yellow bus and drove to Mt. Skinner. and the bus drove us to the halfway house and then we walked up. that was much harder than before because we kept going back and forth and it was steeper. then we got to the top and ate our lunch. and then we went over to the little house thing. at the beginning of the lunch break Jonathon was sitting away from us and we hadn't talked to him much then he came over and ate lunch with us - us being me and Stephanie. he sat next to Stephanie. so then we went back down but we went down this dirt path that was narrow and steep and rocky. it was quicker but harder. then we had to walk from the halfway house to the bottom where the bus was on a road. and then we got back on the bus and i had a headache and i knew if i didn't keep drinking water i would pass out. so i kept drinking water. and then i had to go to the bathroom. yep. the bathroom. then we rode the bus to see some dinosaur tracks. no bathroom there. then we went down to a river thingy and sat there for a bit and i just didn't even sit down because i had to go to the bathroom. and then finally we went back on the bus and drove to Tasty Top. the ride seemed to take forever. and then Stephanie and I jumped off the bus and went over to Burger King so we could go to the bathroom. and then we went back and got our ice cream. and by the time we got our ice cream everyone was already on the bus and we left for the school. and we got to the school and i cleaned out my locker. then we went and visited Mr. Touchette's class. and everything was still fine then i was just tired.

then i went to the barn. and i got changed into my riding pants. and i was extremely hot. did i mention it was extremely hot out today? so i got A.J. ready and i got on him. i was having my lessons with Bella and Sam was going to teach me. we were going to go down below for the first time. but then we ended up not. I would have rather had Carolyn teach me because she knows my abilities and how me and my horse interact better. so the beginning went well. she had me and Bella going over two sets of polls at the same time at the trot. then she turned them into jumps and we jumped at the same time. that was absolutely fine. and it was actually fine. then i went out on the outside so we had to move faster to be in time with Bella. and he was getting a little excited which was okay. but then there was some noise in the aisle and he did a spook/bolt/buck and i fell off. just wonderful. he had done that once before but i didn't fall off. so i was shaken up a bit but i wasn't showing it as much as i did the first time i almost fell off. and when Sam was holding him he did another spook thing. but i got back on and we just trotted over the polls at the same time. and then we were done. and i was just exhausted by then. luckily my mom came there and she cleaned my stall for me. and then i came home. and now i have to babysit. i'm making Maeve come with me. tomorrow i have a concert. and on Sunday if everything was going well I was suppose to go to a horse show but seeing as I fell off today that is not going to happen.

so my mother is concerned with the whole bucking thing. it would be on thing if he just spooked but he bucks too. she called the previous owner and trainer. and the trainer is going to talk to my instructor. this is all so if it is not going to work out we can get rid of him now before i get too attached.

great. just wonderful.