Thursday, June 2, 2016

I am currently at the youbloom conference but i'm manning the registration table and it is slow so I have a chance to just relax and reflect for a bit. yesterday was such a long day but somehow I was up this morning and ready to go again.

so I have sort of made a friend, James. he has been working the conference all day yesterday and today with me. he's cool but like almost too cool for me. like he does not support capitalism at all, he is a vegetarian, he doesn't want to do any harm, he has his septum pierced, he has a tattoo of a triangle on his face, his nails are painted black, when someone said that their band was evenly split gender wise he told me later that he should have said "oh so two men, two women, two trans," he is an art student, he doesn't have a phone, what else...but he is also really funny and nice and easy to get along with. he is sarcastic and pokes fun at me. and we are also the only two in the same boat.

but anyways I saw him at the initial volunteer meeting and I thought he looked cool and around my age range and wanted to be friends but we didn't talk then. but next there was a walk through of the venues so I talked to him a bunch then. but I thought I wouldn't see him again because we would be working at different venues, but then he ended up volunteering to work at the whole conference so now I've seen him a bunch. and he said he will hang out with me tomorrow. so working on friends. still sort of figuring each other out. but there is one friend, woohoo. not sure how i'm going to make any more. actually I have one more prospect who I will talk to more tomorrow. but he has definitely made this conference a lot more fun because it is kind of long and boring, not kind of, definitely is.

but things are going well here. i'm settling in at the Cotter's and getting used to them. I feel bad that they have to drive me to and from the Dart station and I kind of wish I had more freedom to come and go without worrying about them. but I have a long day today and then another long day tomorrow but tomorrow I get to meet the place i'm supposed to be interning at. but we will see how everything goes. just figuring it out and getting used to everything.

i'll give a bigger reflection and update another time when I can breathe, maybe Sunday?