Sunday, January 24, 2016

hi i'm exhausted but it is only 9:30 so I feel like I have time for an update. hold on let me see where we left off.

oh geez. okay well since then I have gone through orientation and my first week of school and my last first day of classes. I haven't seen Prateek still. so let's start with him. so I had orientation so I couldn't meet him then. and then his friend, Alex, was staying with him for a week so I couldn't see him then. and I was waiting this week for him to ask to hang out but he never did and I got sick of it so yesterday I asked "Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" and then today he texted me back saying sure. but then he warned me that he was sick. I was like that's fine. so I made plans to meet Karla first and then go to dinner with Prateek. but when I was with Karla he cancelled because he wasn't feeling well. so I was kind of bummed. but I was able to have dinner with Karla and catch her up on everything that happened since I have been back. so now it is up to Prateek to reach back out and plan something or whatever.

but also the exchange students are here. and they are awesome. and I really like them and they are really fun. pretty much all of them. and then let me tell you about one in particular, Marco. I wasn't there when he checked in or first got here, but I met him the first day of orientation. and for his fact about himself he said it was always his dream to come to the US and now he is here. I thought he was cute. he is from Italy. anyways. first day of classes, Roxy and I are in the library after our class and before lunch and Marco walks by so I call him over and ask how classes were and all. and then he is on his way. and then I am walking through the lib before we go to lunch and I see him there by  himself so I invite him to lunch with Roxy and I. and I talk to him at lunch and he sits across from me and keeps looking at me and actively making conversation. and that was cool. and then the next night I am at pub and I message the exchange group and tell them to come to pub, and him and Alessandro his roommate were already there. so they come and join Ellie, Amelie, and I. and he sits next to me. and we talk and have fun. and take a selfie together to send to an exchange student from last spring he had talked to before coming here. anyways then the next night we are at pub again and all the exchange students are there, or a lot of them. and I talk to him for a bit again and tell him that the past exchange student didn't recognize him but thought he was hot. and then later i'm dancing with my friends and he joins and it turns into Amelie and Ellie showing him "Molly dance moves" and I don't remember how that ends but it does. and then that's that. and then last night Ellie and I went to Reynolds to get food and then first it is just two exchange students, Javier and Carlos we are talking to. and then the rest show up and all join us at the table. and of course Marco sits across from me. and he is trying to get me to go to Pietz with him, where I just was and left. and I tell him no and give him a hard time for just using me to get into parties. and then they leave. but at some point he had taken a picture of me, I don't know why. and then today he just sends me that picture so I respond with Beautiful. and that is all. and Ellie and Amelie know that I think he is cute so that makes it fun/awkward. but anyways. there is that update.

and I hate that I am still like their peer mentor so it is a weird sort of place. I want to be able to invite them to my party and hang out with them all the time but i'm not sure if I am supposed to. being a peer mentor for exchange students is different than being one for first year students. but anyways. I should go to sleep now. we will see how tomorrow goes!