Tuesday, October 15, 2013

hi, i just wanted to give you a quick update before i go to sleep. let me just see where i left off last time i talked to you if this other tab will ever load.

okay so you actually know more than i thought.

umm, i didn't meet the father's girlfriend yet, but he will probably bring her up here at some point. he says how she doesn't want it to be an arranged meeting but he is doing pretty much all he can without arranging a meeting to have us meet. which is fine. i mean i'll be dating again eventually too so that will be fun.

anyways. i quit social media for a month. meaning not going on facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr, and snapchat. i can still do youtube and this obviously. but i was just too addicted and it wasn't good for me to be worrying all about what everyone else was doing. like i need to focus on myself and the people around me. i'll see if i go back in a month or not. i'll probably just go back to my old addictive ways.

but i told josh i was quitting facebook so if he wanted to talk to me then he could text me. i haven't heard from him yet. i really just want to cut all this polite small talk about of the way and be like "so what are you thinking about us? where are you at? like do you ever want to talk to me again or do you hate my guts?" i'll probably give him this month as a break but i'll see after this month if i want to talk to him again or not. i don't know, right now i do but maybe that's just because i'm feeling lonely and missing him. maybe if i meet some new people i won't want to talk to him as much. maybe he has met someone and doesn't want to talk to me. i don't know.

other stuff. i want to talk about the use of this word "home" because right now it's confusing because when i'm at school it usually refers to back in Westhampton. but when i was home both Maeve and my mom referred to school as my home. which i just went along with and realized a couple seconds later what they said. so it's like this conflicting part of my life where i have to pack to go "home" and when i'm "home" then school is called my "home." so where is home? or do i have two homes?

okay now i really should sleep. 8am class tomorrow.