Wednesday, January 2, 2013

i read something from Marc and Angel, which is basically made up of life tips and they reminded me to stay positive. recently i've been pretty negative, probably because i've been faced with some negative situations. so i guess to start the new year off that is my resolution, to bring positivity back into my life and get rid of all this negativity. and to focus on myself and my goals. i'm in college to learn, about myself, about business, and about what i want to do with my life.

in other news, i'm already thinking about spring break in California, what up? and my mom was breaking my heart, or bring out all the feels, with her posts today. she posted on facebook with a picture of Taylor, Maeve, and I: "Ended 2012 with our good friend Taylor. I am so grateful for him bringing so much happiness and positive energy to us with his music and wonderful soul." and on the twitter she  just got: "It was so special for my girls to see you perform and to spend time with you. You have no idea how much it meant. Thank you" but she is so right.

now i think i am going to read some more of Marc and Angel before i go to sleep!