Tuesday, January 26, 2010

guess what i am going to talk about.

no seriously please do. you will probably be right and if you're not right you can say you were right and i'll believe you because i know how important it is to people to be right. anyways have you made your guess yet? if not make it now because i am about to start talking about it. i have two minutes less than 15 minutes before i have to babysit. it's tuesday. and if you still don't know it has something to do with my last post *wink, wink*

i didn't say anything to Keith and/or Emmett. ha. big surprise there. i told you you could guess. but okay i was thinking about this blog post while i was on the bus. i even thought of the whole guessing thing on the bus. i know - i am so geek-like, planning my blog out. anyways. i think my problem is that i have this big image of myself which is the same image everyone has of me which isn't true. and it is so big that i can't break away from it. it is so much easier to just do what i normally do and never say a word during class or to anyone other than my few friends. easy peasy lemon squeasy. but hey molly incase you didn't notice life isn't easy. i don't know if i will ever branch out and be the big outgoing girl that i am everywhere else except for school. i need some big incentive. wait who is saying that i need a big incentive, why can't i just go tomorrow and talk up a storm in all my classes? the only person who is prohibiting me is myself and i REALIZE that which just kills me even more. maybe it is all this realizing and putting it on paper that makes it so hard to break. i don't know. i need something. ha. okay i think i should be truthful to you right now because i am thinking that maybe i need someone to help me accomplish this. who is your mind jumping to? Abby. Abby is amazing and she would help me with everything but we are comfortable in the state we are in now, she doesn't need me to go out and fill these dreams of mine. these are my dreams. well i guess they are. okay so now you are saying who then? Mike Krupa maybe? molly how dare you even think that, you have never even met the guy before how do you except that he is going to help you overcome all of the insecurities you have? huh? why do you think that? maybe because abby talked so highly of him and we so certain we were going to be friends and abby knows me almost better than i know myself. but abby doesn't know him that well. so why molly? i think it is maybe that i am a dreamer more than a doer (note: i would like to change that). i always make out all these elaborate plans and situations with people, most of which never happen, but wouldn't it be amazing if this Mike Krupa whom i have never met ended up to be the friend i've needed? plus he could design a dress for me (yes i stalked his pictures on facebook).

uh i have to go now but i still have a lot to talk about like i am wondering what Mike is thinking right now while he is reading this because i know he will one day, whether it be before or after it is published the world will never know.

ah! i have to go but if you think something will happen does that mean it won't happen because if it did happen that means you can predict the future? think about it...