Monday, January 25, 2010

congrats. you just witnessed your first high school basketball game.

that i did. so i went because Maura was cheering at it because of the whole youth cheer thingy. anyways i miss the beginning but hey i still went. i was debating not going but instead i just did a half-ass job on my algebra homework but it's just homework. i'm glad i went though. i got to watch Keith run around and get all sweaty along with the other boys. hey i can't help it if i think he is good looking. too bad Emmett only played for the last minute.

anyways i have found out a few things so i'm going to list them so i can get through them quicker.
1) cheerleaders are extremely distracting and annoying. if i didn't have anything against them before i do now.
2) i think keith is cute when he plays. he keeps his hand on the player he is supposed to be guarding, like to make sure he doesn't slip away.
3) the basketball was rolling on the floor twice during the game. i asked my mother if that was normally happened and she said "at a Celtic's game? no."
4) maybe the highlight of the game was when a short blonde kid on the other team came over to their "bench" and said "does anyone on this team pass?" and the coach said "shut your mouth right now". then later when he got tagged out and they were losing he said, "fuck hampshire". i'm sorry but it was sort of amusing. i hope he didn't hear me laughing.
5) would you rather be the star player on the JV team or the bench warmer on the Varsity team?
6) i enjoyed it. i wish i had someone else to share the experience with other than my family but hey you take what you can get because i probably won't be going to another basketball game at all this year. too bad.
7) i didn't know half of what was going on. those hand gestures the ref was making? went right over my head
8) also i just wanted to mention that i noticed that Keith always passed the ball to someone else to run up the court and he was their rebounder. and if you were wondering how or why i noticed it was because i was watching him pretty much the whole time.
9) i sort of wished i was one of those boys out playing on the court. i want to know what it feels like to be in the court like that with everyone looking at you with all the pressure and your team surrounding you. sure i have horseback riding but let me tell you why that is different. first of all you are the only one out there and your horse and you don't pay any attention to the crowd except for your coach to make sure she isn't whispering something to you. also it isn't a winning vs. losing thing so most people don't get it. unfortunately you don't feel like that kind of pressure at a horse show.
10) if i wanted to be out there playing then think about the boys who were on the bench the whole time except for the last minute when the coach let them play because they were ahead and there was no way they could lose. that could partially be because they lost their last game after an undefeated season, Jayna said that Keith was practically in tears. don't sweat it Keith, i have cried several times after a bad ride at a horse show. anyways think about the kids who want to play basketball all the time. they go to all these practices then oh, we aren't going to let you play at all today. wait. last minute go ahead since we are winning. they want to be playing more than i do and yet they are stuck on the bench. that sucks. lucky horseback riding doesn't have bench like that except for when your team qualifies and only two members from each division can compete, those aren't pick are pretty much on the bench but not really since we all qualified individually too so we are all going to regionals. anyways i'm blabbering.
12) i think i might be done. i should be done since it is 9:12 and i still have to have a shower.
13) forgot one. i was thinking about telling Keith tomorrow "good game" or something like that and then telling Emmett that his one minute was stellar. or i don't know. maybe i'll say something during first period to Keith so Emmett isn't there. and i keep wanting to write Keither instead of Keith. i have no idea why. maybe because i write her a lot and my fingers are just automated to do that? anyways i probably won't have the guts to because it's completely different sitting here writing this blog and being at school actually in the moment. i have a track record of not following through or having the guts to do stuff. i should break that record. what do you think? i think that i haven't mentioned this guy Mike that Abby wants me to meet at all in this blog even though i have thought about him today. just thought i would mention that. and i think i should also mention that i'm sort of sick of Sawyer and he's not here. so it's probably a good thing he is gone. anyways. i'm ready for bigger and better things. i just have to find them.
edit: i forgot one thing. i wanted to say hi to Keith (just spelled Keither again) and Emmett because i know they are probably going to read this when i get it published. or maybe i will give them a personally signed copy. i'm sure i can afford to give away a few. anyways. hi Keith. hi Emmett. (: