Tuesday, August 4, 2009

i think it is time for a new post.

i just finished reading this book that i started today. i highly recommend it. i started it and i was pretty much in love because this girl seemed to be speaking everything that i was thinking. it starts in August before her sophomore year and goes through the whole thing. um. me anyone?

it's Waiting for You by Susane Colasanti

it's one of those books that i would love to write. a Sarah Dessen type of book. i read it in one day. it was wonderful.

"I love the beginning of the year. It's all about renewal and reinventing yourself, becoming the person you've always wanted to be. You can go back to school as a whole new person and have a totally different time. Every year I get all excited about how everything's going to be different, but it never really is. I'm tired of being disappointed. This has to be our year."

Another strange thing happened today. Alania Belanger wrote on my wall on Facebook. just out of the blue. i'll post our convo on here so far. i think my last one was a bit iffy. like i gave away too much info or said something that i shouldn't have. but whatever. i doubt it is going to do anything. i saw Alania at the library because her and her mother were running the wii game thing. Maeve ended up winning and she didn't want to play. but anyways. i'll put it up.

Molly Ronan we should! that would be fun! do you talk to anyone from WES on a regular basis? i still talk to Mollie in school but no one else really. it's weird how things change.

11 minutes ago ·  · 
Alaina Belanger

Alaina Belanger thats awesomee!! my lifes good! a lot of running and dancing...we should def have an elementary school reunion. that would be soooo fun!

about an hour ago ·  · 
Molly Ronan

Molly Ronan hi! thanks, i think he is pretty adorable too. it's going great - i ride almost everyday and everyday i clean his stall but i love it. how is your life going?

3 hours ago ·  · 
Alaina Belanger

Alaina Belanger hey molly! pics of ur hourse just popped up in my mini feed! he is gorgeous! how is the horse back riding going??

you have to read from the bottom up if you didn't figure that out.

another thing i would love to do is start a blog where no one knows who i am and people can just come and read it and can post comments and such. more people from our school, you know? talk about school and parents. i don't know how well it would actually work. this is inspired by the book i just talked about. maybe i'll try it. maybe not. it would probably have to be during school though. or start it now. Abby you would be the only one who knows because you are reading this now. but i'm not sure. i wouldn't want to give myself away and then it becoming a horrible thing. eh. knowing myself i probably won't. but isn't this suppose to be my big change year?

i sort of feel like talking about my horse but i'm not going to. i think i will stop now. i'm tempted to do what i said before right now. that is how it always works. i'm all excited about it now but it will fade off and i won't do it anymore. how will people even know it exists? i shouldn't do it. i should probably talk myself out of it. which i am doing now. okay. i'm done now.