Sunday, July 5, 2015

update on life: I went on a date...?

sooo remember that guy I met at the bar on my birthday. so he texted me yesterday and asked if I wanted to get coffee today. so we did.

still kind of trying to process it all. I told Ellie it was strange and she asked why. so I told her: "Meeting a guy at a bar, then just going out on a date. I guess it's not that strange, but I've never done it before. The two guys I've been on dates with I knew for a while beforehand."

but the actual date was good. we met for coffee. and I was late of course because taking the T always takes longer than expected. but he told me to text him when I was here. so I texted Here as I was walking up and then I passed him walking the other way. luckily I spotted him and recognized him. I was afraid I wouldn't recognize him because I was having a hard time recalling his face...but as soon as I saw him I remembered and knew. so I turned around and actually walked talked to him for a second before he saw me. so we grabbed coffee. he wouldn't let me pay for his, but I paid for mine at least. we were going to sit outside but all the tables were taken so I suggested we walk over to the public gardens. so we did that and walked around for a bit and then sat down and talked. which was all good. and then we decided to walk over to quincy market and faneuil hall. so we talked as we walked over there and then we got ice cream. and then walked to the harbor and sat there for a while. I've been to the quincy market boston harbor area so much that I know it really well now. but after we sat there we walked over to the aquarium and then walked to the T so I could leave. he gave me an awkward hug and then an even awkward attempt kiss on the cheek, but he mainly got my hair...

the conversation was good. it was pretty steady going and we had plenty to talk about. he is a really nice guy and i'm sure he is smart too. and fairly funny as well. so I enjoyed the date. i'm not head over heals for him. but I would go out with him again. I think he would be a good friend. but I could also see myself kissing him...not sure if it's because I really like him or I just want to kiss someone. so that is kind of bad, but is it really bad? not sure. it's kind of exciting. I thought I might be more excited? like with Josh I was all kinds of nervous and all...but I knew I liked him before we went on our first "official" date and we because official girl/boyfriend that night. I actually could look up and read exactly how I felt on that date and the times before that too. like that night in Northampton on our "double date." so that's pretty cool.

so I guess overall, I enjoyed hanging out with him. i'm still trying to get over the fact that we met at a bar and all. maybe that is common? like if I went out to bars more often I would gets dates from then a lot? i'm not sure...but if he followed up and asked again I would go out again. see how the second date went. maybe kiss him on the second date. not sure. but I think he would be a good friend? maybe more than a friend? not sure again. maybe not the reaction you are supposed to have after a first day. so maybe leaning more towards a friend eventually. but I can take advantage of a few dates before we come to that conclusion, right? i'm new to all of this! having one boyfriend from two years means I haven't really been on a lot of dates...a sort of date/prom with Adam and then just a lot of dates with my long-term boyfriend when I was in high school. so i'm not sure how all of this is supposed to work. but I guess there isn't a specific way it is supposed to work, just however I want. so I want to go on another date with him. step one. from there we will see.

but let me write down all I learned. he works at PWC as a consultant, his client is in Hartford so he stays there during the week. he lives in Cambridge on the weekends, he just moved out to his own place. he has an older sister and he moved out before her. his family has two cats, who he had to go check on. he went to Cornell, graduated in 2013. before PWC he worked at a startup called Rosie. favorite color is green. favorite food is tacos/burritos. favorite season used to be winter but now is summer. favorite place he has been is Grand Cayman. he had Spotify downloaded on his phone but he had never created an account. his mom used to be a middle school math teacher but now is a real estate agent. his dad is a software engineer. he plays tennis, he did club tennis throughout college. he has been sailing. he also snowboards. he has only ridden a horse once. i'm sure there is more. but that's all I can think of right now. i'm going to go look up the posts from when I first started dating Josh.

oh his name is Matt Ford. forgot to mention that.

oh my god, I just read my post about my first date or whatever. I was just so young and excited and wow puppy love okay. much different this time. well I didn't know the kid and was so much more...cautious? I don't know. strange and different.

okay now it's 9:41 and i'm exhausted after a weekend with my sisters and showing our exchange girl, Ana, around Boston. work tomorrow. yaaay. now time to sleep. and then back to reality tomorrow. but then Martha's Vineyard next weekend! sooo excited, yayayay.

okay good weekend, Molly, good work.