Friday, November 22, 2013

i just watched adventureland and it made me want a boyfriend again. I miss having someone look at you like that. and someone to kiss. and to cuddle with. if I had a boyfriend he could have spent this weekend with me. i'm dog sitting by myself in this lonely house with just the puppy. my boyfriend could have stayed the night and we could have made out and cuddled and watched movies without being worried about someone interrupting us or being bother. gah. I know I shouldn't worry about boys but I am still lonely and wish I could have that physical and mental and emotional connection with someone. but Kozmo the dog is the closest I have to a boyfriend. when I am sitting on the couch a little ways a way from where he is lying he will slowly inch closer and closer until he is lying right next to me. and he always wants to lick my face. and he sleeps right next to me on the bed. that is more physical touch and connection than I have gotten since josh and I broke up, or even when we were still together. what does that say about me? whatever, it is what it is. I am enjoying the alone time with the dog, I never got dressed today, didn't even put a bra on or put my contacts in. went out for several walks like this in my sweats and sweatshirt. and amelie even came over for dinner. i'm awesome.

someone just find me a boyfriend please.

I hate that though, I used to make fun of those people who wanted a boyfriend. now I get it though. i'm sorry if I ever judged you for wanting a boyfriend. I guess this is payback.

too bad Kozmo wasn't a man because then I would be all set. he loves me.

alright now I have to go take care of the pup and then go to sleep. another busy day by myself tomorrow.