Friday, August 2, 2013

hi this is my 1,200th post and when i look at the blog it will be my 2,900th page view. wooo.

where did i leave off? i don't know. but no farther development on the friend front really. clare, cortney, and i are going to do something next week i think, hopefully. i need friends. still. and adam and i still talk at camp but still haven't gotten a text or a mention about hanging out. i wanted to ask today when we were hanging out but i never had a chance to. but the girls this week are perfect. i have 11 third graders and i couldn't ask for a better group, they are so awesome. except slow. i wish we weren't late to everything but that's okay.

what else? oh right our whole concert weekend extravaganza. so basically we went to Taylor Swift then drove straight to New Jersey. we were going to stop at a hotel in CT but when we were like 10 minutes away mommy just decided to keep going straight to New Jersey. so i stayed up with her the whole time and got no sleep. we got to balloon fest around 6am, watched them set off the air balloons with the sun rise, then we went to a hotel near by and used their public restroom (which there was only one of) to get ready and then went to Dunkin Donuts to use their outlets to charge our phones and for Maeve to straighten her hair. then we went over to the venue! and a little girl actually recognized us as the 3videosisters which was pretty awesome. and then we saw AJR and i basically freaked out, you hear me on the vlog saying "they are so cute, i'm dying, i can't" about them. we didn't have much time to talk to them because there were a whole bunch of people waiting to get pictures and stuff. but we gave them some candy and they recognized us, okay well Adam did, who is literally the sweetest. and they told us that our video is going to be in their official video for I'm Ready. which is pretty awesome. then we got a picture and were on our way. BUT THEN THEY DIDN'T PLAY. i'll get to that in a second though. then we met Aja who is so awesome and beautiful and so much fun. then we waited in line for our VIP picture, which they only let us get one picture per group which was a rip off, but our sassy picture turned out awesome. and then R5 took forever and finally did their sound check, where they all seemed sort of dead and tired, they weren't "turned on" yet. and then we saw twitter that AJR wasn't going to play. which made us all really sad. like we really like those boys. but they were nice and from the side sort of told us that it wasn't going on, but we should have ran over there to talk to them. then we tweeted them like ten million times. but Jack responded to my mom and said that they had to leave right away to go meet a potential manager. which sucks for us who were hoping that we could hang out with them. but then R5 went on and they were awesome like always, i got almost all of them to look at me at least once. and i started the whole crowd to start waving their arms after Rydel saw us and copied. so that's pretty cool. but then after the show we were exhausted so we headed home and i was able to sleep for a bit then. and then as soon as we got home around 8 i got ready for bed and then i was up at 6:30 for a full day of camp. woot woot.

but it is amazing how much i can do with no sleep but i was exhausted and i love my sleep. so yeah we decided to go see AJR open up for Alex Goot in NYC at the end of August - we were going to go see Alex Goot in CT but we decided to sell those tickets and then buy the scalper tickets for NYC instead so we could see AJR so they better be opening. and we made a weekend out of it for Maura's birthday so we will be in New York. i'm already planning on asking Ryan out. wait, what?! just kidding, but not really, actually no i'm not. if the opportunity arrises i will be prepared to ask Ryan out. probably won't happen. but you just have to keep your options open. he goes to freaking Colombia, he is an amazing singer, he is cute, and he plays piano, and if his personality is anything like he seems like on the internet then he is practically perfect and would be worth going out on a date with. but i still have a month before that and by then i'll be done with camp, which is crazy. this summer has gone by fast. probably because i have barely done anything except camp and concerts. woot woot. but we still have a lot more concerts to come yeah yeah.

okay anyways i think i am going to go sleep now. it'a 10, past my bedtime.