Monday, August 19, 2013

hi so i'm sleepy but i haven't posted here in a while and i felt like it. i finally ready delirium by lauren oliver today and it was so good. i loved it. and i really want the next one. i read the only thing in one day - granted, i am a fast reader and half the time i'll skim the page without realizing it to get to the dialogue. it's a bad habit.

but today was a day of doctor and dentist appointments and yuck. but they both went well. no cavities, what's up! it was also a day of messaging Adams on facebook. i messaged Adam Met and Adam Deniere. Adam Met messaged back right away and messaged my mom - enough so we could find out that hanging out with them is out of the picture, except for maybe after the show or something. we will see, but i am pretty sure Ryan has a girlfriend anyways soooo i really should back up there. talking about AJR by the way. at least we will be able to see them perform. and then i messaged Adam from camp and he finally just read it - but no response yet. i'll probably end up going to sleep. i hate the whole waiting game. and this isn't even as bad as it has been with other peeps.

i wish i knew what he was thinking though when he read it and what he is thinking now and if it's going to respond or what. blah. that's the thing though, you never really know the whole story. you have what people say, their actions, or what they post online - but you don't hear their inner thoughts, you don't see the story behind that picture. even this blog. you think you know me - but you don't really, do you? like i haven't mentioned anything about the whole divorce thing which affects my family every day - like when your mother has to correct the whole phone number thing at the dentist office and say how he isn't living in the same house as the kids. and refers to him as "soon to be ex-husband" which just sets knifes through my chest. and when she was going to have me go into the office if he was there so she wouldn't have to talk to him. it kills me to be in the middle of it. i can only imagine that it is ten times worse for my sisters.

yuck. adam just message me back so i can think about that instead of this. or not. just read my message and not respond that's cool too.

i'm just going to sleep. night.