Monday, August 5, 2013

okay so i really need to be a successful businesswoman and make a shit ton of money. why? not for me. so i can do random acts of kindness. i know that RAOK don't have to be money but money is always appreciated and needed and it helps.

like  the other day we went to see one of Lou's friends Melissa Polinar at the Iron Horse and she was playing with three other people. one of the guys, i think his name was Matt, said that he had one shirt left so it is $1,000. i wish i could have gone up to him and been like, so where is that $1,000 i would like to buy it. and then let him keep the shirt and the money. just out of the blue like that. being able to go on kickstarter and indiegogo and give the last boost they need to send them over their goal. i just want to help them so much.

of course there are perks for me too but that isn't the important part. like really what i want more than a house on Muholland Drive or being able to travel the world is to be able to change some people's lives for the better. go find a musician in the subway and slip a few $100 bills in his hat. help a woman set up a store for her to sell her jewlery out of. (see, i know that sometimes money isn't the solution but still) give Taylor or AJR or Alex the money they need to get their name out there so everyone knows how amazing they are.

i don't know, maybe i'm crazy, maybe you think i'm ridiculous or that i could do better. yeah i would love it if my business was able to help. or maybe you are thinking - why wait molly, go do something right now like some people are doing. and you're right i should be doing something right now. fuck. i need to go do something. i need a cause. no i don't, i just need to do something to make a change right now. ahahaskdjflalksdfjl, frustration.

side thought. the only business idea i have now is basically a website for fangirls. like partner up with musicians to give them like a profile and then people make accounts and with that account they spread the word of this musician and they get points and recognition for than supportive activities. so basically the fans get rewarded and the musician gets marketing from the fans. idk, it's really rough and i'm not sure how it would function.

but i don't think i'm going to get anything done tonight so i am going to sleep. i'm tired. 9 more days of work. woot woot.