Saturday, April 20, 2013

i guess i owe some explanations to you.

so josh and i talked after our week long break and i made him go first and he was the one who said he thought it wasn't going to work. and i was like, i agree. so that is how we broke up. we talked for a bit about stuff and about how he was annoyed with his mom too. and yeah it really wasn't a bad break up. it was mutual and we ended on a good note.

it's kind of strange though. while i haven't cried or really been upset it's a strange transition period. it's like mentally i still think i'm with him. it's hard to think of myself as single sometimes. i don't know. it has only been a few days. but that's that. and it's okay.

ummm other than that what else has been going on. FME has been stressful trying to put together this final presentation. this has been like the hardest part of the class. mainly because everyone is burnt out and we are having trouble bring it all together. but once that is done then i have 3 essays all due the same day, along with a speech that day, and a speech the day before. and that day where i have 3 essays due and a speech? same day as the Taylor Mathews, Alex Aiono concert. WOOO LIFE.

but no, really things are good. just dealing with people and classes and homework. i'm working on being better friends with people. like Emma and Hanishka. and Isaac, but i never know with him if he is actually interested in being my friend or what. but he will be here for summer session, and so with Hanishka!

woo summer session learning about China, whatup. after that though i really hope that i'll be a camp counselor. i applied to two different camps, but i haven't heard back from either. but hopefully i'll be getting a music marketing intership thingy from a musician who went to babson. so we will see how that goes, i'm supposed to have an interview with him after finals when i'm home.

umm what else. i almost dont want the concerts to come because once they are done i don't know the next time i'll see Taylor and Alex. like at least now i have a date when i'm going to see them...afterwards it's like i have no idea when if ever. well i will again. i'm going to make sure they get famous. like i reallly want them to be successful. i want to create a business where i help artists like them make a living and get famous. maybe. or i'll do the whole social entrepreneurship thing. or i'll do both.

but what am i going to do before i start my own business? i'm going to need to get a job and do something...ahh i have no idea. but i'm sure things will be much different then and i will be much different.

it's exciting to think about what's ahead...i have no idea, that's the exciting part! and hopefully i'll try to keep up with this more or less. like i have my whole relationship with josh in this blog. which is kind of cool. even if it isn't really the whole relationship because i don't put everything in here.

but now i have to decide if i'm going to go out with Lily or just go to sleep...i was up late last night watching a movie with Hanishka, but i barely ever go out. do i really want to go out though? blah. i don't know. i have like an hour to decide. i think i'll put some laundry away and then maybe watch a video...