Monday, May 3, 2010

so. let me try to remember everything i was going to talk about.

i felt illegal for a second today. i was walking to the barn when Abby from the barn passed by in her fancy blue truck and asked if i wanted a ride. i said sure. so i hoped it and drove the less the half mile with her. at the time i didn't know if it was legal for her to be driving me around. i went anyways. then i didn't tell Maeve or my mother that she gave me a ride. they just thought i walked the whole way. well i walked half the way. but then i came home and saw that her birthday was last month so it was perfectly legal. alrighty.

i nearly passed out in science class today. we were talking about the respiratory system. when i first started seeing the lovely green dots/blobs/blotches, i walked to the water fountain and got a drink then went into the bathroom for a bit. then i came back, was fine for another maybe 5 or 10 minutes then it started again so i asked Mr. Broaddus to go the nurse's office. he just said yes and i barely made it out of the room. i could hardley see the handle so i sort of reached out and luckily i was able to see it. then i went to get a drink and i couldn't see the water so i had to put my hand out to feel it then put my head down. once i drank some water my vision cleared up and my little green buddies went away. then i walked down to the nurses office. i wondered if anyone in my class saw how pale i was. i was freaking pale. i wonder if anyone in Mr. Cole's class saw when i walked by once to the bathroom, then back, then left and never came back. did they see how pale my face was? did anyone in my class even care? but i made it to the nurse, drank some water, lied down for a bit, ate some crackers, drank some more water, then went to lunch where i recuperated. then ran around in gym class and got through three honors class, a quiz after school, and went to the barn. it was a successful day all and all. but tomorrow i'm brining a water bottle. but it's all so predictable. i can feel it coming on. i know what i need to do to make it go away. it's just my stupid body. apologizes body, you aren't really stupid you are actually really smart. you just make some mistakes sometimes.

did you know that you have to pay to go on field trips now? it use to be that your class was going on a field trip so you had to get a paper signed by your parent. you didn't have to pay 45 dollars. but welcome to high school. if i want to go spend the day at the museum of history i have to pay 45 dollars. grand.

i have a bug bite on the palm of my hand. how the heck did the mosquito land on the palm of my hand, suck my blood, and fly away without me noticing? or maybe it got me when i was trying to kill it. unknown.

i am so close to being done with school but i have so many projects and tests and ect left. we barely have any time left can't the teachers just say "fuck this. let's not doing anything for the rest of school." well they probably wouldn't say it like that. they actually wouldn't say anything like that. they are going to work us to the last day of school. then finals. but you know. i should be working on my essay right now.

goodness. i think i am going to eat some ice cream and read a book. that sounds very productive.