Wednesday, May 26, 2010

i'm not a museum person. maybe i'm just not a people person. i'm exhausted.

seriously the best part of the museum was when some preteen kids walked by and one of them had the guts to say "hey" in a casual way so if no one responded he wouldn't look weird. so i said "hey" back then walked away. then i don't know if it is the same one or not but someone say "hey" then Jordan said "heyy" back then we were walking out the door and another kid was like "hey this is my friend Ryan" so I said "hi Ryan" and then he said "what's your name" and thank goodness gracias Aspen was there because then she said "how old are you?" and they said "old enough." how do they think of that off the top of their heads? then we left but as we were leaving i said "bye Ryan" even though I couldn't tell which one of them is Ryan. then we were talking about it later Aspen said she was old enough to babysit them, too bad she didn't say that then. but that was the highlight of the whole freaking day.

i'm exhausted. i should be sleeping. but i need to finish drinking this glass of water because i am most likely dehydrated.

it's crazy. we past by these people everyday and we don't know anything about them. most of those people i saw in the museum i will never see again. i will never see Ryan again. i don't even know what school he goes to. i don't know anything about them. and the hundred other people i passed by today, i know nothing about them. how am i supposed to know if you would get along with them or not? what if the person who could be your best friend just walked by and you had no freaking idea. yet i wouldn't have the guts to talk to them and they most likely wouldn't bother with me. why would they? i'm just a girl on a field trip with her school. that's what gets me the most. and that is what i like the most. people watching. i like airports for that too, all those people going different places for different reasons for different lives that i will never know. does that drive you crazy as much as it drives me crazy? do you see a face of a model in a brochure and think about her life? do you wonder about the cashier's family? do you wonder if the bus driver has a dog at home? or what about a cat? that drives me freaking nuts. and what about our class? here we are on a class trip together. i look at all the kids and i can tell you their name but not much more that at, if anything. i don't know anything about them. we are freaking strangers yet we go to the same school. we pass each other in the museum and we don't say anything to each other, maybe exchange a glance.

ohhh. other highlight of the trip. we were walking down this hallway like thing, and as we turn down at the other end is a gaggle of guys from our school. some of them are supporting this nice black goggles with white feathers or something on them. and the second they see us i see Adam turn around and say something like "i can't do this" in which someone replies something like "just ignore them" and they start to walk faster so they can walk by us and while they do someone says "nothing to see here" and while the others were consulting their map (hate that map) they walk by and i said "i like your glasses" and i think someone says "thanks" while they walk by and Adam says "they are only 2(something, something)" and they walk away then quickly turn around and walk back down the stairs. moments like that. ohoohohhh maybe i can mention the glasses/goggles to Adam tomorrow. chyeah. or not. gah. here i am complaining about not knowing people but i don't do anything about it so i'm in no place.

so i had more to talk about but my fingers are moving faster than my brain can think and my glass of water is almost empty so i'm going to take a shower, go to bed, then go to school tomorrow. geez.