Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Abby I think I will direct this blog towards you since you have become part of this.

Yessssss I regret not going over there. Yes I am frustrated at myself. But not a ton because it is expected. The normal. So there you go. Eventually I will forget all about this guy by for the last...let me go check when i first mentioned him...Friday May 14th. about 10 days ago. only 10 days ago. so ten days from now i'll probably forget about him. I've missed my chance, that is if he is a senior. he is going to do all his lovely senior activities next week then leave HRHS forever while the poor little sophomore who first saw him 10 days ago will be left behind without even a name. Why is that? because i'm a coward, and afraid, and do not like to step out of my comfort zone. butttttt on the off chance he is a junior (gasp!) then that would be fabulous because then i will see him walking by me around third period on thursday or friday and then i would say something to him. that's the plan at least. so for the rest of this week i will be keeping my eyes open for him, and now at lunch since he has 1st lunch and i now know where he sits. but i will play it down and make it seem like i don't really care, even though i do. like how i wanted abby to go over there, have someone else do it for me then i would still get what i wanted without having to do it myself. i'm kind of glad that abby didn't because another life lesson for me, but i really really wish she did. (i guess i'm not addressing this to you anymore?) so this is pretty much all i am going to talk about him. and too bad i don't have a name because when this blog becomes famous he won't even know that i am talking about him. sucks. maybe jayna will remember his name and i can include it later. jayna said he isn't new but i didn't see him in my yearbook and i sort of left my yearbook at school so i can't look now or tomorrow which sucks. maybe someone will bring one on the bus and abby and i can steal it. abby is sitting with me on the way down but she is going to sit with Colin on the way back, so then i won't have anyone to sit with. sucks. anyways. this is just an extremely long paragraph. so here's this if i don't mention him anymore that means he is a senior and i will never see him again in my life, unless this blog does become famous and i am somehow able to contact him but that is unlikely, but if he is a junior and i will see him again then there will most likely be another blog dedicated to him. or i will just post his name or whatever. or whatever. he is pretty cute though, don't you agree Abby?

now i have to go babysit and continue on my with life because in 10 days i will have forgotten all about him. pooy. and the time is 3.14 which is pi.