Friday, May 14, 2010


so i was walking from science. oh goodness. was it before first lunch or second lunch? i'm thinking second lunch but if that is the case then why wasn't i looking for him during lunch? ah. that makes me upset. anyways. i saw this guy walking from the science wing who was very good looking and cute. i have never seen in before in my life. and when he was entering the lunchroom the guy John who has down syndrome called out to him with the name "Nick" and then proceeded to talk to "Nick" while i walked away. then during second lunch i looked through all of ninth grade and 11th grade and 12th grade looking for this "Nick" and he was not there. he can't be in eight grade because he was in an high school lunch and he looked too long to be in eighth grade. and now i'm frustrated. i'm having trouble remembering what he looks like. you know how if you thinking about something or someone's face for a long time you can't remember it anymore? it drives me crazy. i will probably never see him again and i can't even remember if he went into the lunch room during first or second lunch. ahhh.

that's my dilemma for the day. and i don't have Abby to ask about it because she is probably preparing for the play tonight that i will be going to with Dana and Bella. then i am sleeping over Bella's house. it was my idea. why the heck did i want to do that? i wanted to just talk i think and question Bella if she knows this guy. and i want to spend as much time with Dana as possible to ensure further friendship.

and now i'm going to continue being frustrated because i left my ipod and headphones at school. gah humbug. who the heck was that guy?