Monday, May 24, 2010

Perfect Stranger.

"there's no such thing as a perfect stranger..."

so you know my mystery guy right? the last time i saw him i believe was thursday. i was walking to science. i had just started walking up the stairs and he was walking down. i looked up and saw him and he had this strange sort of look on his face, annoyance? but not really. no idea how to explain it. i didn't see him again that day or on friday. then today i went to the bathroom during the last five minutes of art class and he was walking down the hallway in ahead of me. too far away for me to talk or for him to notice me. but i saw him. and he had his keys attached to one of his belt loops so they made noise when he walked. theeenenennnn i saw him agaaainanananannn when i was walking to bio. i had just turned down the science hallway on the second floor so i could still see back into the art hallway. i heard the jingling of keys so i turned around and there he was in his lime green t-shirt. i am pretty sure he saw me. then i was walking down the hallway thinking he would turn down the stairs and go down the hallway on the first floor like he did on thursday but the jingling didn't stop. he was following me down the hallway. if i was thinking i would have stopped and said something to him but he caught me off guard showing up there. then when i turned into Mr. Broaddus's classroom he was at Mr. Cole's room. so he walked faster than i did, making up a lot of ground in between us. on purpose? maybe. maybe not. but he went to his classroom a different way today then he did last week after he saw me. hm. but what sucks is i have the civil war thing third period tomorrow so i won't be over in the science wing to see him. and if he is a senior i'm pretty sure tomorrow is his last day but i'm not sure. and i looked through the yearbook again, at all the faces, and i didn't see him so unless he changed drastically since those pictures were taken and his name isn't Nick then he isn't in there.

so you might be asking yourself, why do you even care? -shrug- it's not like i expect anything huge. it's just the hope and the fun. and it gives me something to think about and to help me get through the rest of the year. well that is if he isn't a senior. i had big plans to talk to him after bio today but then i didn't see him after bio. do you know that if i just say "hi" to him that would be a huge deal to me? Abby can go and talk to new people and have a huge conversation with them - it isn't that easy for me. so even if i go and say "hi" and find out that he is a 30 year old teacher aide or whatever i would still be happy because i went and talked to him. so tomorrow i don't believe i will have a chance to talk to him unless he appears during art. so yeah. that's my big news.

edit: forgot. there is a song called "Perfect Stranger" by Michael Castro and I think it fits this pretty well, the lyrics are:
Where do we go from here,
I can't believe I hardly know you,
So why do I feel this way?
Like I don't know what to say,
Beginning of the weekend,
And I was just thinking what you doing,
For the rest of your life,

Oh, I'm falling for an angel for all I know,
I better play it safe and just let you go,
There's no such thing as a perfect stranger,

How do I sort this out?
I never could have seen it coming,
That you could be more to me,
More than just another woman,

Searching my heart now,
Should I stay or should I leave?
Falling apart now,
Oh, why can't I just be okay,
With watching you walk away,

Oh, I'm falling for an angel for all I know,
I better play it safe and just let you go,
There's no such thing as a perfect stranger,

Oh, a part of me is still waiting for a sign,
A part of me is wishing you would just be mine,
There's no such thing as a perfect stranger,
So how do you know when it's the right time to just let go,
And how do you know this road is fate of her beauty is for me is fate,

Oh, I'm falling for an angel for all I know,
I better play it safe and just let you go,
There's no such thing as a perfect stranger,

Oh, I'm falling for an angel for all I know,
I better play it safe and just let you go,
There's no such thing as a perfect stranger,

Oh, a part of me is still waiting for a sign,
A part of me is wishing would just be mine,
There's no such thing as a perfect stranger,

There's no such thing as a perfect stranger.