Saturday, May 1, 2010


it's past 10 o'clock. yippeeee.

and i finally saw a picture from prom with Ryan in it. it took long enough. do you know how many pictures i looked through? he was dancing with Cailee which i thought was cute and it made me smile. jealous? not really. i know eventually i shall be at prom dancing with some guy - hopefully - if not that will be fine because i'll be there having fun with my friends. Dana said that she would go to prom with me and she would drive us in her little flower punch buggie. but that wasn't the only reason i was looking at pictures. i like to look at the dresses and who went with who. by looking at all their dresses - Cailee's dress was amaazing- i can get pointers for when i got to prom next year. except maybe i'll be wearing a mask. i had a dream of a white or correction, ivory dress with emeralds or emerald colored stuff on it that i was wearing with an amazing emerald and ivory mask. and it looked wonderful because of my wonderful brown hair. but that's not until next year. this year i have an essay to write, a speech to give, another essay, three more chapters in history, more classes with Billy B (omg. he has a facebook. scary. scary. scary.), sixteen more gym classes, another spanish chapter, more Schott, a glee concert to go to, finals to get through, a horse to show all summer, fun to be had, and then start all over again.

it's weird. i'm in a good mood. maybe because i just finished watching Grease. sure the girl had to completely change to get the guy but hey the guy was changing for her but she just got to it first. wouldn't it be amazing if our school did that play? i wouldn't mind being it but i don't think that is really my thing. i recored myself singing a couple of days ago and i'm that good. at all. i sound better in my head. but i like to sing. i did drama when i was in elementary school. but maybe crew. then i could learn all the dances, like the hand jive, and do them backstage. but that's not till next year and it may not even happen.

i don't really feel like going to bed even though i'm really tired. can i just keep writing forever? sometimes i hate this blog and other times i don't. like now i do not hate it.

i had a wonderful time at abby's house even though i was very tired but it was nice to just relax. i'm really tired now. and guess who i saw in Easthampton driving in his car? Ryan Thornhill. he's haunting me. but not really. i don't really care. ohhhhhh. i have more song lyrics for you. in the words of Rizzo: "I could stay home every night, wait around for Mr. Right. Take cold showers every day, and throw my life away on a dream that won't come true"

in that high note i think i am going to leave. you might be surprised to hear this but i'm content right now. shocker. but my reasoning might be impaired because i'm so tired. i shall be sleeping until 11 tomorrow.