Monday, July 20, 2009

i'm a teenager girl with hormones yay for me!

um. awkward title in some sense. in another sense it is so true that it shouldn't be awkward. yet it sort of is.

i don't really know why i picked that title. yes i do. because i'm Molly.

my old house, the tiny little house where all three girls slept in the same room and the five of us shared a bathroom, is for rent. we have rented it since we moved out and we are looking for a new tenet. okay. so what? the so what is i have always wanted a family to move in there with teenagers my age. and then if they went to HRHS i would know them. and you know all those fantasies you have in your head? i've had a ton including teenagers that lived in 109. is that weird? i don't think so. i think that it is called an imagination. that thing that everyone still has even though they like to believe they only had one when they were little.

now i have to give you some background info or else this won't make sense. so my mother has shown the house to some people and i was there once but there was no one worth my time. so i read. it was nice being here and being the landlord's daughter. you know, that feeling of superiority even when you know that you aren't really superior. so the other day my mother showed it to some more people but i didn't go. the one group that we are going to focus on is two women. i don't know what relation they have to each other and neither do my parents cause my mom didn't ask, she just showed the house. then my mom saw the two women in Amy's Place in Easthampton when we were just walking around with my ice cream. then my mom ran into one at Big Y and talked to her, the lady works at Big Y in Northampton. i wasn't there for the Big Y thing. i learned everything that happened in the car when my mom was telling my dad. i wouldn't consider it eavsdropping because we are in a car and everything that gets said in that car gets heard by everyone else. of course for one part i had to lean forward to hear what was said because of the music.

but i guess that lady who was interested in the house, her name is Roberta or something but i'll call her Bert, was telling my mom that she had drove past the house and told her two children aged 15 and 16 (yay - i mean two teenagers my age. i'm 15 and 16 is not unacceptable to be hanging out with) that was the house she was thinking about renting. then the son (yes, son!) wanted to see it. so Bert wants to see it again with the kids. Monday or Tuesday.

um. do you have any idea what that means? if my parents do rent to them then i have a chance at becoming friends with the lovely little peoples that live in that house. and if they came to HRHS would be the ideal situation instead of them continuing at their old school. if they went to their old school then that wouldn't work very well because i would never see them. we don't go to the old house very often, especially when it is being rented out. but what about now? does this mean that i should go with my mother when she shows the house? what if my mother thinks i come just because i know that there will be teeangers there. duhhh. but that may not be that bad of a thing except for awkward situations. and awkward car rides home. what if the two of them turn out to be awful kids? like the kind of people that i wouldn't want to associate myself with. what if they try to talk to me and i become the stupid little shy girl? what if it ends up being a complete disaster? what if i wished i had never came?

what if it ends up wonderfully?

i don't think i would want to go without Maeve or Maura because then that would be obvious and even more awkward. i don't know if my mother would even offer for us to come with her. and i don't want to seem too eager to go since i haven't in the past. so what do i do? um the answer to that question is to go and see. cause you will never know if you don't go. yeah, easier said than done.

i'm pretty much sure that all of that just went along with my wonderful title. (: