Wednesday, July 15, 2009

i'm nervous.

i have chinese lessons in 10 minutes but she could be here any minute and that is what is making me the most nervous. i'm nervous. that is the cause for my nervousness right now.

the other nervousness comes from the fact I am getting a horse tomorrow. i'm nervous that i won't work out. i'm nervous that i'll fall off when i ride him. i'm nervous that the vet check won't go well. i'm nervous that he isn't my horse. i'm nervous about it altogether but i'm ready for my horse. i'm ready for him. i need a horse that i can love cause i need a crush. seeing as i don't have one and i'm not looking. the boy will find me when he is ready. but i'm the one looking for the horse and i'm ready. so please let this horse work out. i'm ready.

ready does not mean you can't be nervous too. i don't think i'm ready for chinese lessons and i'm nervous. i think i'm ready for my horse and i'm nervous.

right now i'm nervous. and i'm be nervous tonight when i go to sleep and think about tomorrow when i should be getting my horse. i'll be nervous all tomorrow from when i go to get my horse, to when i ride my horse, to when the vet checks him, to when the farrier puts on his shoes. that is all happening tomorrow. i'm nervous.