Monday, August 16, 2010

you can tell how each month was for me by the number of posts i posted.

this month i have already posted 22, this will be the 23rd, and it is only the 16th. wonderful. last month i posted a total of 24. and June i posted 27 which is FREAKING AMAZING since i was born on the 27th of June. April for some reason was a big month but not as big as March. in 2009 i barely posted except for in September and October. wonder why. but not really. and just so you know in 2009 i posted 180 times and in 2010 SO FAR, we still have four and a half months left, i posted 262 times. yeah. we are almost at our two year mark. yippeee.

and now i have to do one of those correction posts things. just to you know clear things up because all you have to go off of is this lovely blog, you can't see me out of it. you probably don't get the tone of voice i am saying everything so maybe you don't get me at all. oh well. but i want to say that i'm not turning into some boy crazy girl. i'm not going to give up on school and horse back riding so i can focus on "boy hunting". i'm smarter than that. seriously. i just do the whole girl thing where there is a new guy so i think about him a lot then he sort of fades away when nothing else happens. that will happen here too. Danny hasn't texted me back, which i expected since i didn't send it when i wanted to (gahhh), and whatever. maybe next time he comes online i will show him the Walking on Air music video or this new song i sort of love called "Simple Girl" by Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.. And when it comes to Adam i actually have a chance of something happening and it just not ending. he will be working at the barn all through school and i'll see him at school. good probability there.

well i thought there was a good probability i would see him at the barn today but i did not. i knew he was working today because his name was on the stall list. i was there from 9:30 to 12 and he was not there. every single other day he has worked he has gotten there by 11 but not today. maybe that's because Emily wasn't working. or i can hope it is because he was hoping to see me so he went at a different time. not likely. but i'll be up there early every day this week so here is to tomorrow.

now i really should do something productive because i haven't since i got home. AP work here i come.